I work with over stressed, overwhelmed and overcommitted women so that they can regain their balance and their sanity.
Using my unique combination of coaching insight, consulting experience and healing abilities, I can help you identify the root cause of your stressors and we can work together to address your challenges and help you regain balance–and sanity–once and for all!
If you resonate with any of the following…
- I crave more meaning, purpose and connection in my life.
- I need help growing my business/managing my career.
- I don’t have enough “me” time.
- I’m terrible at asking for help.
- I’ve lost touch with my spiritual practices.
- I’m overwhelmed with managing the details of my household and my business/my career.
- I rarely get enough sleep.
- I’ve got goals and dreams but not enough time to pursue them.
- I have a hard time saying no.
- I don’t consistently take time to eat well or exercise.
- My life feels like it’s moving at warp speed.
…I can help.

Getting Started with Elizabeth
DRAGONFLY DISCOVERY SESSION (45 minute single session)
This 45 minutes initial coaching session is a great way to dive deep on one or two issues that have been causing you stress. This coaching session is perfect for you if you have a busy schedule but know that you need to make time for this if you want to change your life! You’ll receive homework before the session and leave with specific inspired action items to help you move forward. If you decide to sign up for a longer coaching package, the cost of this session will be deducted from the coaching package cost. Investment $197 Schedule Now
If you’re feeling stuck on a particular issue and you haven’t made progress addressing it in traditional ways, this session will be perfect for you. I tune in intuitively and do a shamanic journey on your behalf. During the journey, I will see and experience several things that will give me insights into your situation. You’ll received a detailed write up of all the information that I receive and then we’ll have a 30 minute coaching call together to process and help you move forward with clarity and ease. Schedule Now or Learn more on my Intuitive Coaching page
If you are going through (or have been through, or will be going through) a big life transition and it feels complex to navigate, we can work together to help you design a ritual or celebration. Transitions are a natural part of life that include beginnings and endings, embracing the new and releasing the old. Many transitions are joyful and exciting but others are excruciatingly painful and filled with grief. Some involve both happy emotions and sad ones. Whether it’s the birth of a baby, a marriage, a death, a divorce or a move, change is afoot. Let me help you navigate is gracefully and with intention. Schedule Now or Learn more on my Sacred Celebrations page
If you’re ready to explore coaching and see if it will help get the results you want with your business and life, let’s chat. We’ll use this 15-minute collaborative interview to see if it’s a good fit to work together and if so, what would be most helpful – traditional life & business coaching, intuitive coaching or sacred celebrations coaching. Schedule Now
If you have any questions make sure and check out the “Why Elizabeth?’ and “Is This for Me?” tabs, I might have your answers!
Benefits of Coaching:
- Visioning: You’ll devote time to develop a clear picture of your ideal life and work instead of merely plugging away at your routine “to-do” list!
- Accountability: You’re more likely to take consistent inspired actions when you’ve got someone to report to on a regular basis.
- Access to resources: Need a book? Website? Networking contact? Your coach has access to incredible tools and helpful people.
- Unconditional support: Imagine having your own personal cheerleader. Someone who believes in you 100% and makes no judgments about your abilities or capabilities but simply says all the time “I know you can do it!”
- Forward movement: If you’re tired of being stuck, then working with a coach is perfect for you if you’re ready to change, ready to shift, ready to rock-n-roll! Your life will never be the same once you’ve embraced the power of coaching and see first-hand the results you can quickly manifest for yourself.
So how does Life/Biz Coaching work?
Coaching sessions take place on the phone 2-4 times per month depending on which coaching package you choose. During sessions, four things will happen:
- Ask questions: You’ll report on your homework assignments and Elizabeth will ask you to explore areas where you feel stuck or unsure.
- Listen deeply: You and Elizabeth will listen carefully to each other in a very intentional dialogue.
- Access your inner wisdom: You will experience “a-ha” moments at times and Elizabeth will point out your brilliance and your conflicts when you cannot see them for yourself.
- Commit to action items: You’ll leave each coaching session with a homework list of inspired action items. You will agree to work on these items and Elizabeth will agree to hold you accountable for what you say you are going to do.
My Customized Approach
If you are an entrepreneur or executive looking for a professional life & business coach with a spiritual bent, look no further. With almost twenty years of experience coaching hundreds of people individually and thousands via teleclasses and speaking engagements, my customized approach will help you regain confidence, restore faith and challenge you to look at your life and business with a fresh perspective.
When you hire me to be on your team, you’re gaining a mastermind colleague, a resource person, a cheerleader and an accountability partner all rolled into one. You’ll learn practical tools and embrace radical ideas to access, claim, embrace, and reconnect with your revitalized self! You’ll replace old paradigms, stay focused, pursue your dreams and take inspired action every step of the way. To learn more about me, please visit my About Page.
Be sure to read the testimonials below for insight on what my clients think has been valuable about our work together!
Happy Client Testimonials
Once you have done an initial coaching session, you can explore any of these more in-depth coaching options with Elizabeth.
DANCING DRAGONFLY PACKAGE (3 months of coaching support)
This is long term support if you're ready to make a significant change in your habits and mindset. You’ll get 2 powerful 40-minute coaching sessions per month for 3 months and unlimited e-mail support along with “laser” coaching (5-10 minute) phone calls. Investment $1497 (payment plan available) Contact Me to Book
SPARKLING DRAGONFLY PACKAGE (6 months of coaching support)
You know you're ready for a major life change and want an experienced coach to guide and support you on the journey. You’ll get 2 powerful 40-minute coaching sessions per month for 6 months and unlimited e-mail support along with “laser” coaching (5-10 minute) phone calls. Investment $2497 (payment plan available) Contact Me to Book
VIP VIRTUAL RETREAT (available for established clients only)
2 hour VIP virtual planning session to help do a deep dive and focus on a particular transformation you are seeking in your personal or professional life. Business related this could mean mapping out your marketing strategy for the quarter, evaluating all of your systems and putting new ones in place, brainstorming your brand, overhauling your service offerings, developing a networking strategy, brainstorming new speech titles or outlining your new book! Personally this could look like designing a new smart self-care plan for yourself, evaluating and revamping all of your home based systems, reviewing your relationships and prioritizing the ones that matter most or creating a healthy living plan for you and your family. You’ll receive homework before the session and leave with a clear plan of action moving forward. Investment $497 Contact Me to Book
Some Other Ways We Can Work Together
If you’re not ready to commit to coaching right now due to time or financial reasons, you might want to consider another way that we could work together… an e-course, a retreat, buy my book, or if you’re local, visiting my networking group.