Happy Client Testimonials
She challenged me to move out of my comfort zone

If you are looking for a coach, look no further than Elizabeth. I had known her for 7 years and when I was ready to start my consulting business, I couldn’t imagine hiring anyone else. She is the perfect blend of encourager and challenger. She challenged me to move out of my comfort zone and by doing so I signed 2 new clients in our very first month of coaching. She helped me identify and overcome fears I didn’t even know I had which gave me added confidence. If you are ready to make changes and grow in ways you haven’t even imagined, work with Elizabeth.
Tallahassee, Florida
Doubled my clients and increased efficiency & confidence

Since coaching with Elizabeth, I have doubled the number of clients in my coaching practice, developed business systems that increase my efficiency and effectiveness, increased my confidence and competence, attracted and seized greater opportunities to expand my business and enhanced my personal development. When I look back to where I was 2 years ago, I barely recognize myself. Even though I’m a coach, I struggled with applying the tools, techniques and practices that would make that vision come to life…until I hired Elizabeth. She has helped me to solidify my vision and make my dreams reality.
Chicago, IL
Elizabeth was THE key factor…

Through Elizabeth’s steady, intuitive guidance, amazing tool kit of recommendations, and ongoing support these last three years, I have transformed from an overworked, frantic, stress-carrying entrepreneur who had no organized plan for business success to a far calmer, more focused and deliberate owner of now two growing businesses. Because of past life challenges, I struggled to own my expertise, but I am now a confident networker, designated community leader, and speaker who stands her own with other successful CEOs. During coaching sessions, I always gain new effective insights and strategies that have contributed to my extensive growth. Yes, I did the work. But Elizabeth was THE key factor in getting to where I am today as a respected entrepreneur and leader in my community. Thank you, Elizabeth, for your integrity, good heart, and the priceless gifts of transformed competence and joy you have given me through your seasoned efforts.
Tallahassee, Florida
You helped me break free from fear

Elizabeth has been a catalyst in making my life abundant. I have the highest regard for her knowledge, intuitive nature, and presence in my life. She helped me break free from fear and living a life of social conformity and helped me take life by the horns and make my DREAMS a reality. After a few months of working with this amazing woman, I traveled across the country for months and have been living my bucket list to the fullest.”
Your reading was spot on for me
You’re the perfect person to help someone who believes in church AND knows there is something more beyond what we can see… Your reading was spot on for me. Now it is several months later and I have finally extricated myself from the toxic work situation I was in and I am finally free! Thank you for helping me find my way.
The journeys you’ve done for me have helped reach a deeper level
I have tried traditional talk therapy, coaching, and a whole lot of self help, but the journeys you’ve done for me have helped reach a deeper level than I’ve been able to with these more traditional approaches. I’m an academic and a natural skeptic, but I know and trust you so much as a person that I wanted to open myself up to this process. I’m incredibly glad that I did. Your ability to tap into the intuitive, the unconscious, the divine – whatever you want to call it – has helped me find so much inner wisdom and healing. Thank you.
The vision you saw in the journey has just come true
Elizabeth, I wanted to tell you that the vision you saw in the journey has just come true. I am at the beach with a circle of like minded women healers. I steped into the circle to receive the healing and claim my power, just like you saw me doing. We meditated on the beach last night with a ceremony. It was amazing! Keep doing this work.
(Sent to me about 6 weeks after our session)
I was astounded at the results of my journey
Elizabeth is the real deal. I was astounded at the results of my journey. First, the session answered a deep question inside of me that I had never spoken aloud. The answer brought me great joy and hope. Second, the imagery in the journey was so intimately personal in my life and had significant meaning for me. This couldn’t have been a coincidence. When you combine the (journey) story with the images it was like a 3-D experience with multiple layers of meaning tying my past, present, and future together.
Coaching has been life changing!

Working with Elizabeth has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. From the moment I heard her speak to my networking group, I knew I had to have her as my life and business coach. As an entrepreneur, I definitely had a lone ranger mentality, and I was suffering from exhaustion! My tank was running on empty. I knew I would experience burnout quickly from all the commitments I had made. Coaching has been life changing! I now feel an equal balance of work, home life, and volunteer life. She has helped me in more ways that I can ever think of. I am so thankful for Elizabeth!
Sugar Land, Texas
Inspiring, engaging and uplifting!

Elizabeth Barbour was a recent guest speaker at Florida Commerce Credit Union’s Small Business Seminar Series. She is inspiring, engaging and uplifting! Our audience members loved her personal style and her funny stories. Even in a large room, she connects with participants intimately and they feel like she’s speaking directly with them. If you are looking for a dynamic speaker for a professional group of business women and men, you won’t regret hiring Elizabeth!
Buckle up folks!

For anyone ready, willing, and able to take a good hard objective look at how they conduct their lives, business or otherwise, Elizabeth is truly on task and on target. I hired Elizabeth as my business coach. Little did I know what was affecting my profitability went much deeper than examining my expense accounts, marketing strategies or balance sheets. Buckle up folks, if you’re gonna hire Elizabeth, and you can handle the truth, via her incredibly intuitive nature, you’ll be in for the personal growth trip of your life.
Fletcher, NC
My business vision has greater clarity & focus

Since working with you, I have experienced increased practice revenue & increased efficiency & productivity in my work! Plus, my business vision has greater clarity & focus. Needless to say, my anxiety & frustration over simple & complex business occurrences has been reduced, therefore my personal life quality has improved as well. YOU ARE DEFINITELY WORTH THE INVESTMENT!!
Tallahassee, Florida
Since coaching with you, we quadrupled our revenue.

Thank you for your expertise, your wisdom, your experience, your spirit, your acceptance, your confidence, your support, your encouragement, your homework, your ENERGY, your bright ideas, your inspiration, your commitment and your passion! Since coaching with you, we quadrupled our revenue in one business and got so inspired, we bought into another business! You have been an integral part of our professional success. We literally do not know where we would be without you.
Asheville, North Carolina
Interactive, informative presentation

Elizabeth came to the ELC as a referral. We initially had her speak to 60 of our contracted childcare providers on business success and she did such a great job engaging the crowd; we invited her back to provide training to our employees! They loved her interactive, informative presentation on using the Myers-Briggs to enhance communication. We look forward to working with her again in the future.
Relevant information, pertinent insights

Elizabeth was a terrific choice as both our opening and closing keynote speaker for the BPW Women’s Conference. Offering relevant information, pertinent insights, personal vignettes and words of motivation, Elizabeth captured the spirit of this group and hit exactly the right note of inspiration to move the day forward and to send the attendees forth empowered and full of possibility.
Fresh perspective & solution-driven insights

After speaking to the Florida Public Relations Association Capital Chapter on “Getting from Tired to Inspired,” it is evident Elizabeth’s fresh perspective and solution-driven insights help individuals enhance their work and personal life. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a business executive or just looking to have an overall better quality of life, Elizabeth can help you define what success looks like—and reach it!
Helped bolster our productivity, teamwork, & work-life balance

Although our organization has contracted several expert guest speakers in the past, no one has tailored the program to our unique needs or offered such an intentional, thought-out message as exceptionally as Elizabeth. Several employees commented that Elizabeth was the best retreat guest speaker we have ever had. I was thoroughly impressed with her thoughtful efforts, approachable presentation style, and genuine fervor for helping teams transform. I would gladly invite her back to our organization to continue learning from her wisdom.