5 Questions to Finish the Year Strong

by Elizabeth

In my youth, the lazy hazy days of summer seemed to stretched on and on and it seemed like Christmas took f-o-r-e-v-e-r to arrive. But now, the older I get, the faster time seems to fly by. Here we are with just two months left to 2021. How did that happen?

I’ve been talking with coaching clients recently about how to finish the year strong.

Do you recall what your theme or word for the year was? This is a good time to revisit it and see how you’ve leaned into it… and what else you can do in the next eight weeks to embrace it.

(Mine was “exponential expansion” which has been 100% on target both personally and professionally. I have settled my family back into North Carolina, regained my health after two major surgeries, finished my book, started working with my publisher to launch next spring, developed new products, and I’m preparing to announce my new website next month!)

Here are a few questions to write about in your journal, discuss with a trusted friend, or engage with your coach (Let’s talk!) for a productive and meaningful conversation.

5 Questions to Finish the Year Strong

  1. What accomplishments do you want to be celebrating on December 31, 2021?
  2. How do you want to feel as 2021 comes to a close?
  3. Brainstorm all the things that you’d like to achieve in the next two months. Break it down into manageable categories like business/career, health, family, finances, fun, etc. Then, assess your list realistically and choose the top one or two items in each category to claim as your benchmarks. Know that everything else you achieve is gravy!
  4. As you think ahead to 2022, what needs to be completed in 2021 to set you up for success in the new year?
  5. Where might you need help achieving your goals? Review your list and see if you can identify places where you can ask for help at home or at work.

While I am not a runner, I imagine this point in the year is somewhat like hitting the 20-mile-mark in a marathon. You’ve made it so far and you’re exhausted, but there’s just a little bit more to go. You need to stay focused on the end goal and how it’s going to feel when you cross the finish line.

Leave a comment and let me know how these questions land for you. Any a-ha’s bubble up? Great! And if you’re experiencing resistance, let’s dig into that together.

One last thing, don’t forget to look at the sneak peek photos below… I’d love your initial reactions. I’m excited to share these new gift items with you soon!


P.S. Start planning your holiday shopping…here are some Sneak Peeks…(website coming in November!).

Sacred Celebrations Dragonfly Bracelet Collection

Sacred Celebrations Gratitude in Action Ritual Kit

Sacred Celebrations Smart Self-Care Ritual Kit

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