Three Journaling Prompts for the Fall Equinox

by Elizabeth

The fall equinox is coming up this weekend. Equinoxes are times of the year when we have equal amounts of dark and light.

When I was younger, I loved the change of seasons, but I wasn’t raised to be in tune with them. Were you?

Now that I’m older, and hopefully wiser, I am more aware of the rhythmic dance that we have with Mother Nature.

Living back in the mountains of North Carolina with four seasons (unlike the two seasons I experienced in Florida and Texas – hot and hotter!), it’s easier to connect when there is a change in weather.

As the air gets cooler, and the leaves start to change colors and the days get shorter, it’s a reminder to have our lives mirror what is happening in Nature.

It’s a time for harvesting what was grown in the summer, a time for gratitude for the bounty, and a time for preparation for the winter.

Here are some reflection questions for you during this Fall Equinox season:

Contemplate all aspects of your life…. Relationships, work, health, finances, fun, spirituality, etc.

Then spend time writing about your answers to these questions:


a. What is the harvest I’m currently gathering from the past few months of growth and abundance?
b. What do I need to do to complete this cycle?
c. How can I celebrate this?


a. Where am I experiencing harmony and flow?
b. Which areas of my life need to be better balanced?
c. What small steps can I take now to return to balance?


a. Is there something (a project, an idea, a relationship, a limiting belief) that I’ve been holding on to, but I know it’s time to release?
b. Do I have unexpressed grief that needs permission to be let loose?
c. Is there physical clutter in my environment that is draining my energy?

Ritual Tip: Once you’ve completed your journaling, you may want to jot down on another piece of paper anything that you’re ready to release and let go—and then burn it! Burning rituals are a great way to “let that stuff go!” and transmute energy that you’re ready to move beyond!

If you need support around any of these areas, book a coaching session with me and let’s help you move through the season with ease and grace.

And if you need inspiration to create rituals for the upcoming holiday season, now’s a great time to buy my book Sacred Celebrations: Designing Rituals to Navigate Life’s Milestone Transitions.

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