When we practice smart self-care, we contribute to a more peaceful world. Allow Coach Elizabeth Barbour to be your guide as you learn smart self-care.
Angry? Irritated? P.O.’ed? 5 Strategies to Bring You Back to Balance
by Elizabeth
written by Elizabeth
In our society anger is an emotion many are uncomfortable with but if harnessed the right way anger can be beneficial. Elizabeth Barbour will teach you how.
When you’re feeling a need for stress relief this is the time to get back to nature. Come explore how nature can disfuse stress and feel revitalizing.
Take the first step in making some changes towards improved self-care and claiming more “me time” in your life! Coach Elizabeth Barbour will show you how.
Life Coach and Speaker Elizabeth Barbour shares her reflections and inspirations from revisiting Max Ehrmann’s famous poem Desiderata.
What counterintuitive changes could you make that would help you to be happier, more fulfilled and more on purpose?