Our hustle culture is turning us into human doings, not human beings. Life Coach Elizabeth Barbour teaches others how to rethink taking a well-deserved rest and enjoying it.
When was the last time you gave yourself some time off to rest, relax and recharge, to focus on BE-ing and not on DO-ing? Excuses abound when it comes to going on retreat. Life Coach Elizabeth Barbour helps you claim the self-care practices that serve you best.
Facing your vulnerabilities requires courage and tenacity to own your story. Not sure how to get started? Life Coach Elizabeth Barbour can be your guide.
Mother’s Day can evoke a spectrum of emotions ranging from joy and gratitude to grief and longing. But if you’ve lost your mother or have a strained (or non-existent) relationship, or have experienced infertility or infant loss, Mother’s Day can be a painful reminder of those complex experiences.
Life Coach Elizabeth Barbour reflects on a profound event that happened 25 years ago which changed the trajectory of her life.
The sooner you give yourself permission to say NO to the naysayers in your life and say YES to the intuitive voice that says “Go for it!”, the sooner you’ll be living a life of joy and freedom.