Clearing the Clutter

by Elizabeth

It’s great to have my brain engaged in inspirational, creative and strategic projects.

(My sabbatical isn’t exactly 100% a sabbatical anymore. I’m working part-time again which feels great. A smattering of motivated coaching clients have sought me out, a speaking gig (and two more on the way fingers crossed) literally landed in my lap, a writing project that’s always on my brain is gaining a bit of steam (my book, always the book) and a possible women’s retreat in Houston are all in the works. woo hoo!)

It fuels my spirit and reminds me why I’m here on Earth.

To help people shift from tired to inspired. In all areas of life.

Yep, that’s why I’m here. (kinda cool to proclaim in that way. not sure i’ve done that before!)

Does this mean that I’m inspired ALL. THE. TIME?

Um, no.

I get tired, just like everyone else.

Certainly the demands of caring for a crazy-extroverted-into- everything-toddler along with an almost 80 year old mom who has been putting up the valiant fight against cancer have kept me busy. Adding some part-time work into the mix helps to make me even busier.

As I take this still-quasi- sabbatical perspective and look at my life, I’m still the mode of recharge, reevaluate reorganize, renew.

One of the questions I’m asking myself is “What makes me want to nap every afternoon when Riley naps? What drains my energy? What is making me really tired?”

And one of the primary things that contributes to my being tired (you too?) is…. CLUTTER.


Paper clutter is my personal biggest culprit. It’s everywhere. On my desk, piled on the floor, in kitchen corners. It even makes it’s way to my bedroom dresser. Ick.

If what Peter Walsh says is true, then I’m never gonna get my book written because I’m being held prisoner by the clutter.


So, like any good coach, I know if I’m going to help others shift from tired to inspired, I have to be my own guinea pig. And what’s the first thing I do when I’m trying to tackle something that’s consistenly a challenge for me? I ask for help!

I started with Brenna at because I love her tagline – Life Without the C.R.A.P.! (Chaos. Resentment. Anxiety. Panic.) She’s also affordable for an introductory consultation and, get this, she does it virtually! You send her photos of your space and then she provides e-mail support to help you dig through the piles (or closets or rooms if that’s your thing) one at a time. Love that!

But then I realized that another major part of our house was even worse off than my personal workspace or our kitchen counters. It was our garage! So I hired Lianna (based in Houston, TX) at to help me tackle that project. I chose a weekend when Eric was out of town and in just a few hours, we recycled, we pitched and we organized to our hearts content. The end result? All of our items are on shelves with labels AND we can park BOTH cars in there. Who knew?

Now that the garage is ship shape, I’m trying to decide which project to tackle next. Because it feels sooooo good!

So here’s the scoop… getting organized and clearing the clutter is an on going project at my house. And I suspect at yours too? But I’m committed to it. A little bit every week and I’m moving closer and closer to achieving the peace I dream of. And as I clear the clutter, I know it creates space for new and wonderful things to appear – both personally and professionally.

I think I’ll go work on sorting through another pile of papers now…

Inspired Action: If you have clutter, is it draining your energy? If so, what are you gonna do about it? If you contact Brenna or Lianna, please tell them I sent you! Share your success stories in the comments below!


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