Connect or Die: Community is Medicine for your Soul

by Elizabeth

Ok so maybe the title of today’s article is a bit harsh.

But I wanted to grab your attention.

“Connection is why we’re here. We are hardwired to connect with others, it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives, and without it there is suffering.” – Brene Brown in Daring Greatly

If we don’t connect with others, we will suffer. And if we suffer for too long, we die.

Life feels hard right now, doesn’t it? The world is chaotic and ungrounded. Things are in upheaval, and everyone is operating in some variety of overwhelm, anxiety, fear and uncertainty.

What is going to happen?

I don’t know. None of us does.

But I do know that we need to be the light. We need to spread love, not fear.

My job right now is to stay grounded and focus on what I can do. For me, that means:

  • Be the best mom I can be to my sassy, silly teenager!
  • Educate myself about what’s happening in the world (I’ve been following Heather Cox Richardson, Rebecca Solnit and Robert Reich)
  • Build community in real life and virtually.
  • Practice smart self-care so that I can stay grounded amongst the chaos.
  • Engage in meaningful rituals to help me and others navigate transitions.
  •  Show up in my client coaching sessions ready to give 200%.

What does it look like for YOU?

Just remember, love your people hard and try to connect every single day.

Whether it’s a car accident, a health diagnosis, a natural disaster (floods in Asheville, fires in Los Angeles), or political crisis, we are not promised tomorrow.

For my 55th birthday last month, a precious friend sent me one of the most beautiful gifts I’d ever received. He took time to craft a list of 55 things that he loved about me. Here are a few:

2. Kind, like no kidding…kind. Kind like Ghandi. Also, one-of-a-kind.
7. Expert in celebrations and celebrates every single day and just about every moment, too!
8. Confronts adversity. Kicks its ass and takes its name.
9. Adventurous. What’s over there? Let’s go? Why not?
16. Raising a wonderful child who adores her. The proof is in the pudding.
55. Lifts people up and is always looking at how she can do that.

I felt so SEEN by this dear friend. Witnessed, loved, and cherished.

So, you can do what my friend did and write a love note (for Valentine’s Day, for a birthday, for a special occasion or JUST BECAUSE) to your partner, child, parent, client, or BFF.

Or if you’re not a writer, find other Creative Ways to Connect with Your Loved Ones

  1.  Create a photo book of your friendship or relationship.
  2.  Go for a hike together. Just two friends or several families! But get outside together.
  3.  Give them meaningful jewelry. (Sacred Celebrations jewelry wearers LOVE their gemstone bracelets!)
  4.  Host a potluck meal around a theme (holiday, ethnic cuisine, finger foods!)
  5.  Plan a game night for adults and kids.
  6. Gather a group of friends and play putt-putt golf or go axe throwing!
  7. Schedule a monthly zoom call with your family members scattered around the country.

The point is not WHAT you do, but THAT you do it.

Community and connection are more critical than ever.

Actively build it into your life and reap the rewards right away.

Need help? Book a call today!

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