More than two years after Elsa and Anna, Olaf and Kristoff became household names, the movie Frozen’s most famous theme of “Let it Go” is still relevant… and always will be. It’s about being who you really are by releasing any outmoded self-perspectives and limiting beliefs and embracing all aspects of your true nature.
In January of every year we all get excited. Fresh start! Clean slate! New beginnings! We set big goals and allow ourselves to dream big dreams as we think about how we want our lives to change for the better in the New Year. It can be a revitalizing time of year.
I am a big proponent of goal setting, vision boarding, journaling, retreats and other activities that help you amp up your life and your business and in positive ways. But before you do that (or at least concurrently) you’ve got to clear the clutter and let it go to create space to invite the new possibilities into your life.
Release the stinkin’ thinkin’, the bad habits, and old patterns that held you back last year. It’s time to release anything that prevents you from being your bright, shiny, real and authentic self. The sooner you “Let It Go”, the sooner you’re on your way to living a more authentic life in line with your core values.
Here are 5 Mindsets to Ditch in 2016… Just “Let It Go”
1. “Shoulding” on Yourself. “I shouldn’t have eaten so much chocolate over the holidays.” “I shouldn’t have yelled at my kid.” “I should have spoken up in that meeting.” Beating yourself up because you didn’t handle a family, friend or client situation as well as you could have only serves to drain your energy. Acknowledge the situation, make amends where appropriate (to yourself or to others) and Move On!
2. “Hanging with the Cool Kids”. Relationships that no longer revitalize you aren’t worth your time. Perhaps it’s time to resign from a networking group that isn’t a good fit anymore. Or discontinue working with a certain type of client that is no longer your perfect customer. Or maybe it’s spending less time with friends that you don’t have as much in common with anymore. Spend intentional time with people you really resonate with and your heart will thank you.
3. “The Disease to Please”. Too many volunteer activities can wear anybody out. While I’m very committed to the idea that we all benefit by volunteering some of our time, I also know that sometimes we overcommit because we think we “should” (see point #1) say yes or we feel we should be seen with someone else (see point #2). Release activities that don’t bring you pure joy and you’ll feel relief immediately.
4. The “Keep Up with the Joneses” Mentality. I’m not just talking about money, here, I’m talking about everything! The idea that what’s good for someone else is good for you too is not entirely true. Sure, we all do well when we sleep enough, eat healthy food, love God and our families and are kind to strangers. But we are all so unique in our approach to life and when you start to follow your own path, it’s very freeing. Your business, your parenting style, your financial plans, your health care routine, your spirituality… none of it has to look like someone else’s.
5. The “Lone Ranger” Syndrome. It is time to stop thinking you can do everything yourself. You can’t. You’re not supposed to. We are social creatures and whether you’re building a business, raising a family or changing the world, we need to do it together.
Revitalizing action Part 1: Let It Go!!! Review this list and see if any of these need to be released from your life. Talk with your coach, your best friend or write in your journal about saying farewell to these limiting mindsets and see how much freer you’ll feel in 2016!
Revitalizing action Part 2: If you are looking for support and inspiration in inviting positive mindsets and abundant blessings into your life this year, I invite you to join me for one of two retreats happening this week and next!
January 8th – 2016 Virtual Business Planning Retreat (participate from the comfort of your own home or office anywhere in the world!) Put your professional plans in place for a Sweet ’16!
January 15th – Vision Board Retreat (local Houston peeps only) Create big magic (thanks Liz Gilbert!) by translating your goals and dreams to a vision board. It’s a fun and powerful process that can steer your 2016 in exciting ways!
Here’s to Letting it Go!