From Woo to WOW! 7 Simple Spiritual Teachings that will Rock Your World

by Elizabeth

I just returned from the Celebrate Your Life Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. My best friend and I flew out west and spent a day exploring Sedona’s gorgeous red rocks on a Jeep tour, then immersed ourselves for three days with the inspirational ideas of people like Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Neale Donald Walsch, Don Miguel Ruiz, Andy Dooley, Iyanla Vanzant, and so many more!

Whenever I attend these spiritual personal development conferences, it is a bit like drinking from a fire hose. There is so much information and even more inspiration and it can make your head spin. After a few days of reviewing my notes, here are the gems worthy of distillation for you!

7 Simple Spiritual Teachings that will Rock Your World

1.  Everything and everyone is your teacher. But the greatest teacher of all is within. – Denise Linn

I spent a full day with Denise Linn who is witty, warm and wise. I’ve followed her work since her best-selling book Sacred Space was released back in 1995. While she’s deeply spiritual, she’s also incredibly down to earth and really practical. She’s a great storyteller and shared how many events and people shaped the trajectory of her life – which is true for all of us, right? But this reminder of the importance of coming back to self as the greatest teacher of all has really stuck with me. The greatest gems lie within.

2.  Every situation has both a challenge and an invitation – Marianne Williamson

My first coach introduced me to Marianne Williamson’s work 15 years ago and she has a way with words that is like no other speaker I’ve had the privilege of hearing. She shared this gem when talking about difficult circumstances and it made so much sense to me. Whether you’re grieving the loss of a loved one, challenged by the demands of parenting, stressed out about how to manage the growth of your business/career or faced with a health crisis, every situation offers opportunities for growth and for introspection. We learn our true nature when faced with adversity, don’t we? Which leads me to the next insight…

3.  Grow or Die. Evolve or Perish. – Jean Houston

It’s really that simple! The whole reason we are on this earth is to learn, grow, experience, create and enjoy this life! If you are not doing any of those things, you will wither and die.

Dr. Houston told a great story about growing up in Manhattan in the 1940’s. Her elementary school hosted a program called “Meet the Masters” and one day, they went on a field trip to meet Albert Einstein (!!!)

She said “Mr Einstein, how can we get to be as smart as you are?” and he replied “Read fairy tales!” and she persisted “But Mr. Einstein, how can we get to be smarter than you are?” and he replied “Read more fairy tales!” He believed that imagination was the basis for all creativity and growth.

4.  Happiness is a choice. It’s either happy or stupid. – Don Miguel Ruiz

Simply being in the presence of this man brought me to tears. His book The Four Agreements has been one of my favorites for almost two decades. He is a master spiritual teacher in addition to being a neurosurgeon. He had a lot of profound wisdom to share but this is the one that got the biggest laugh from the audience. At the risk of offending everybody, he proclaimed “We are all intelligent BUT we are making stupid decisions”. If you think about it, what stupid decisions are you making in your life? Staying in a friendship that is no longer a two-way street? Staying stuck in a job that is sucking the life out of you? Killing yourself by trying to care for your home alone and not asking your family members to help you? Whatever you are doing, stop it and start choosing to be happy. It may be uncomfortable at first because it’s unfamiliar but will ultimately lead you to freedom.

5.  When you wake up in the morning, say “God, use me today.” – Marianne Williamson

Just a few weeks ago in church, we sang one of my favorite hymns “Spirit of the Living God” which has the same message: “Spirit of the living God, Fall afresh on me. Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me. Spirit of the living God, Fall afresh on me.” I’ve also heard a similar message from other spiritual teachers like Sonia Choquette and Tosha Silver. It’s a reminder that each day, if we begin our mornings by opening ourselves up to guidance with a little prayer and intention, all manner of amazing things can happen.

6.  Live with Intention – Wayne Dyer

Speaking of intention, I wrote about Wayne Dyer recently when he passed away. They did a lovely tribute to him at the conference telling funny stories and sharing his life’s journey. One of the speakers said about Dr. Dyer “If you can appreciate the enormity of death, then you can appreciate the enormity of life.” If you live your life – not just repeating the same old routine and doing what you think you “should” in the world but – with purpose and intention every single day, it can radically transform your life. Are you living your life with intention? If not, start today!

7.  The best way to predict your future is to create it. – Joe Dispenza

Can you see the creativity theme here? Speaker after speaker talked about the importance of creating a life rich with experiences and possibilities. You know the saying “If it is to be, it is up to me!” Dr. Dispenza is a brilliant and compassionate doctor helping thousands of people around the world to heal themselves through the power of their minds. And it starts by taking small steps today toward the future you want for tomorrow. Want to publish a book in a few years? Start writing 500 words a day …today. Want a healthier body? Change your diet and start to exercise… today. Want a healthier relationship? Read books, see a therapist, engage your partner in important conversations… today. Creation starts here and now.

Which one of these seven spiritual teachings resonates the most for you? I’d love to hear about it here or over on my Facebook page!


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