Two Sundays ago, Arianna Huffington gave the commencement address at Smith College. It was called “Redefining Success: The Third Metric”. Here is an excerpt (the bold emphasis is mine):
At the moment, our society’s notion of success is largely composed of two parts: money and power. In fact, success, money and power have practically become synonymous.
But it’s time for a third metric, beyond money and power — one founded on well-being, wisdom, our ability to wonder, and to give back. Money and power by themselves are a two legged stool — you can balance on them for a while, but eventually you’re going to topple over. And more and more people, very successful people, are toppling over. Basically, success the way we’ve defined it is no longer sustainable. It’s no longer sustainable for human beings or for societies. To live the lives we want, and not just the ones we settle for, the ones society defines as successful, we need to include the third metric.
You can read the entire speech here.
When I look at this photo of my daughter and her cousins playing at the beach this weekend, I breathe deeply and think to myself “This is what life is about. This is freedom. This is love. This is joy. This is being A-L-I-V-E. “
It’s about experiencing awe and wonder when you stand at the ocean’s edge and feel the infinite power of Mother Nature.
It’s about cultivating our children’s well being by spending time in nature and time with people who love them.
It’s about listening to the wisdom of your quiet inner voice that says “It’s time. You need to rest. You need to play. It’s not a luxury, it’s a necessity.”
It’s about teaching my daughter when she’s old enough to question “what does it mean to be successful?”, that success is made up of an intricate web of experiences defined by each person for themselves. It’s not a math equation or a formula that nets the same results time after time. It’s not about Keeping Up with the Joneses.
Success is personal, unique, individual.
Arianna Huffington gets it right in her speech when she said “When we’re in that centered place of wisdom, harmony and strength, life is transformed, from struggle to grace, and we are suddenly filled with trust, no matter the obstacles, challenges and disappointments. Because there is a purpose to our lives, even if it is sometimes hidden from us, and even if the biggest turning points and heartbreaks only make sense as we look back, not as we are experiencing them.”
Inspired Action: Define success for yourself. Right here and now, at this time and place in your life. Personally. Professionally. For your Family. What measures are the same? What’s different? Is your definition of success now the same as it was 10, 20 or 30 years ago? How can you use this new awareness of your personal definition of success to guide the vision for your life?
1 comment
If the concept of The Third Metric appeals to you (as I imagine it might!), check out The Huffington Post's conference blog as they have an amazing line up of speakers for June 6th talking about the importance of redefining success in our culture!