I’m still fired up from the spine-tingling electricity of being with 7,000 musical theatre students from around the world at the Junior Theatre Festival in Atlanta this past weekend.
I have hope for the future! This next generation is going to save us all!
AND now that I’m back in the mountains of Asheville, I’m keenly aware that it’s still winter and time for slowing down, rest and even hibernation. It’s a time for dreaming and planning, but not necessarily for implementing. Not yet.
Something that one of the Broadway actors said on the mainstage during an interview stuck with me. He was asked “What’s one piece of advice that you would give your 13-year-old self?” and he replied “Protect Your Joy.”
He went on to talk about how when you have a big dream, it’s important to keep your energy around it clean. Stay focused on the desires of your heart and don’t let other people’s negativity or criticism keep you from pursuing your dreams.
That speaks beautifully to an exercise that I love to help set intentions for the new year.
Last week, I facilitated a women’s retreat at the peaceful Kanuga Conference Center nestled in the mountains near Hendersonville, North Carolina. It was a blustery, wintry day and ice glistened on the lake while the sun shone brightly. It was so peaceful in the fireside lounge with women of all ages gathered to learn about new ways—and new rituals—to approach the new year.
The older and wiser I get, the more I realize that the old ways of entering the New Year don’t work for me anymore.
All the fanfare about goals, resolutions, plans, and making things happen feels yucky! It’s a very masculine energy of pushing, striving, and doing.
The more I sink into my feminine self which values intuition, empathy, flow, receiving, and setting intentions, the more I synch up with the cycles and rhythm of the seasons.
Winter invites us to go within. To rest. To reflect. To recharge. To renew.
It’s time to do less and be more.
One of the exercises I invited the retreat participants to do is write a future letter to yourself. It’s something personal and private—just for you. It’s a way to state your heart’s desires as a personal declaration to yourself but you get to keep your goals and dreams private (unless you choose to share them with someone).
Have you ever done this?
It’s a meaningful and mindful way to set your intentions for the year by putting yourself in the emotional state of having already received everything that you desire.
How to Write a Future Letter
Write a letter to yourself. Pretend that it’s December 31, 2025 and you’re feeling delighted and joyful about your successes as you review the previous year. Share all that you’ve accomplished in the previous twelve months. The goal of this exercise is to help you identify your objectives for the coming year, so consider including the following:
- what your ideal business/career day looks like
- who are your favorite people to spend time with
- what are the healthy habits that make you feel strong and lively
- what spiritual practices help you feel connected and grounded
- add in any desires for hobbies, travel, etc.
- focus mostly on the feelings…how is your life different than it was a year ago?
Keep in mind that you want to balance what you believe is possible with what you would absolutely love to have happen. You want to set yourself up for success!
After you write the letter, you can seal it and revisit it at a future time. (In this case, I will mail everyone’s letters to them at a surprise time a few months from now.) But you could write your letter and tuck it away for safekeeping. Then make a note in your calendar in 3-6-9 months to revisit the letter and see what you wrote. OR simply wait until New Year’s Eve to open it and see what you intended.
Try this exercise and see what shows up for you!
And if you get so excited about your goals and dreams for the next year and realize you’re ready for professional guidance and want to explore working with a coach in 2025 to make your dreams come true, book a call today and let’s get started!