Replace Criticism with Awe + Wonder

by Elizabeth

A few days ago, I attended a yoga class at my local Y, being taught by a 75-year-old retired engineer named Tom.

It’s only the third class I’ve ever taken with him, but I love how he mixes in a bit of science and history with spirituality at the beginning and end of each class.

He started this class with an invitation: Replace criticism with awe and wonder.

He was focusing on our bodies, on the mat, in that moment.

For the next hour, he invited us to stop criticizing ourselves and our bodies.

Release thoughts like:

  • Oh, I’m not flexible enough.
  • My legs won’t bend that way.
  • I can’t get my arm straight.
  • I wish I could look like that student.
  • I don’t like how I look in the mirror when I’m doing this.
  • You want me to do “what?” with my body?

And replace those hurtful and limiting thoughts with ones of awe and wonder.

Embrace these instead:

  • It feels good to be on the floor.
  • Wow, I can stretch further the longer I hang upside down.
  • Breathing mindfully really does help my anxiety and stress melt away.
  • My legs feel super strong today.
  • It’s a miracle that my body can twist like this!
  • My body gets more limber the more I do yoga regularly.

How would this change your day if you did this with everything?

Ask yourself, “How can I replace criticism with awe and wonder in this situation?” and see what arises.

Consider all of these aspects of your life…

  • Your relationships
  • Your financial situation
  • Your home
  • Your business or career
  • Your parenting
  • Your self-care practices
  • Your spirituality
  • Your body

Pick one area and try this for a few days and see what you notice.
And all it takes is being more intentional and mindful with your thoughts.

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