Change is Inevitable. Growth is Optional.

by Elizabeth
Change is inevitable. Growth is optional. – John Maxwell

All of life is change and pretty much everyone I know has endured massive change—either personally or in the collective—in the past two years. What changes have you experienced?

  • A change in family life
  • A change in your professional world
  • A change with your self-care practices
  • A change in your relationships
  • A change in your health
  • A change in your community
  • A change in your business

I’m going to guess you can check off at least one, if not several of these items.

I’m no exception. I’ve moved, had major surgery (two), my daughter had major surgery, separated from my husband, been living in two cities, had Covid, finished writing my book (more details to come this fall!) and I launched a new aspect of my business with Sacred Celebrations gifts and jewelry.

Two years ago this month, we were in the throes of moving from Houston to Raleigh. And now we’re in the throes of another move—this time to my beloved Asheville mountains—and I’m hoping it’s the final move for a looooooooong time.

And boy, am I growing.
Growing and growing.
Stretching and shifting.
Shedding skin and upleveling.
Expanding and blossoming.
And you? How are you growing? Are you…

  • Tolerating less clutter (physical, mental and emotional)
  • Letting go of more drama
  • Investing in your business and your clients by working with an accountability coach
  • Amping up your spiritual practices
  • Inviting more peace and serenity
  • Asking for help when you need it
  • Trusting the flow (even if it’s not what you think it should be)
  • Committing to your self + health care more rigorously

As I ponder these changes, I remind myself to practice what I preach (if you haven’t read my first book yet, you can download it on Kindle here!). Self-care is the key to surviving and thriving when life gets topsy-turvy!

During my last move, I wrote the following and thought I’d re-share them with you! Hope you find some inspiration here.

6 Tips to Navigate Change with Focus and Intention – If you’ve coached with me before, you know that I reiterate two things often. The first is: What’s your big vision? The second is: Ask for help. Read the rest of the article to find out four more ways to help you stay focused and intentional!

5 Secrets to Success in Times of Transition – For someone like me who’s generally optimistic, upbeat, and encouraging, you might be surprised to hear my first secret. The truth is, I’m a realist too!

Here’s to growth!

P.S. I really do love hearing from you. Leave a comment and let me know how you’re changing and growing these days!

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