Let’s Talk about Rituals!

by Elizabeth

Since it’s a hectic time of year, instead of a long article this week, I’m going to leave you some audio inspiration instead! This way, you can listen while you are running errands, wrapping presents, or cooking and cleaning in preparation for holiday guests!

Sacred Celebrations: Designing Rituals to Navigate Life’s Milestone Transitions has caught the attention of a lot of people who are excited about the topic and want to dig deeper. I’ve loved being a podcast guest and sharing the joy of rituals with a wider audience!

Here are three interviews you can listen to now!

My first international interview!

I had the most delightful chat with Nadhira Razack who hosts Your Truth is Calling podcast from Melbourne, Australia. We had a rich and layered conversation about the value of rituals in our lives and how times of transition are often supported by intentional celebrations (big or small). Nadhira is filled with light and joy and you will love her energy. It’s worth it to listen just for that! (Hopefully, I shared a few nuggets of wisdom too!)

P.S. We did end up talking a lot about my adoption reunion journey in this which wasn’t planned but obviously, as you know, close to my heart! Listen in on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. (Click the video to begin watching.)

My divorce rituals and Mom’s white rose ceremony.

This short 20-minute interview was such a delight because Sarah Seidelmann, MD is one of my mentors/colleagues/fellow authors who wrote the foreward to my book! She is sparkly and magical and we talked about the hard stuff—death and divorce—and how to navigate it with love, grace, and intention! You’ll hear me share about my three divorce rituals and the white rose ceremony that I hosted when my adoptive mom, Joan, died. (Click the video to begin watching.)

Gratitude rituals aren’t just for Thanksgiving.

Inspirational client and colleague Fallon Jordan hosts a show called The Biz Alchemist. She is an expert in brain health training, a coach, and an intuitive healer for business owners. We recorded this right before American Thanksgiving so there was a lot of talk about gratitude rituals but these rituals apply to any time of year, not just the holidays. If you are looking to be more intentional with family gatherings in the coming weeks, we shared a few tips that might help you engage all generations in a spirit of gratitude! Listen now! 

Coming up…an interview with an adoption non-profit, an expert in mother-daughter relationships, a creativity coach in the United Kingdom and a fellow shamanic practitioner in Canada. I’ll share those interviews as they are released!
Wishing you a peaceful two more weeks until the end of the year (if that’s possible!). I’ll be writing again one more time to share some reflection rituals to close out this year and prepare to greet the next one.

Wishing you light and love…

P.S. Forgive me for being slightly annoying but if you’ve bought my book—THANK YOU! AND would you take 5 minutes to help me out? I’d love a review on Amazon! Those positive reviews are critical for independent authors like me!

P.P.S. If you’d like help finding the perfect holiday gift for your mom, sister, BFF, boss, group of friends, please visit www.sacredcelebrations.com and then reach out with any questions! You can bundle bracelets, (ritual) boxes, and books!

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