Permission Granted: Break Free in 2024

by Elizabeth

I used to be someone who did ALL the New Year’s Rituals.

✔ Spent the week between Christmas and New Year’s reviewing the past year and setting goals for the New Year.
✔ Attended (or hosted!) a party on New Year’s Eve complete with champagne and fireworks.
✔ Attended (or hosted!) a Vision Board Party on New Year’s Day. I did this for almost 20 years!
✔ Attended (or hosted!) a New Year’s Coaching Program – New Year, New You! January Jumpstart!

❌ But I don’t do all those things anymore.

And I even just wrote a book about the power of rituals. (If you’ve already bought Sacred Celebrations: Designing Rituals to Navigate Life’s Milestone Transitions, how are you enjoying it? If you haven’t bought it yet, what are you waiting for? Click-click!)

The takeaway here is that… you can change your mind about what rituals you want in your life! (Confession: I didn’t even put up a Christmas tree this year! You know what? We all survived and I saved myself hours of work!)

I’ve learned over the years that all the fanfare about

Just Do It
Make It Happen

Is all coming from a very masculine energy of pushing, striving and doing.

The older I get, the wiser I get and the more I sink into my feminine self which values


AND I’m also coming to understand that there are a lot of ideas about when the “New Year” actually begins.

  • Winter Solstice in December is when the light returns.
  • January 1st has been our first day on the calendar (in the western world) since 1582 (Google it).
  • The Chinese New Year begins in February.
  • Human Design says that the New Year begins January 22.
  • Western Astrology says that yearly cycle begins in Aries season in March.

Confused yet? 😊

Here’s the thing…

Just like

Diet gurus yell: Eat Only Veggies! Go Gluten Free! Drink Celery Juice!
Exercise gurus bark: Start Running! Do Yoga! Grandmas need to Lift Weights!
Business gurus shout: Set Goals! Plan Q1-Q4 STAT! Listen to ALLLLLLL the Podcasts!

None of those are wrong, per se.

But are they right FOR YOU? For your body, mind & spirit?

This is where listening to your inner knowing, your Higher Self, your intuitive guide within is critical.
Trust yourself.
You know what you need.

When you can calm the chaos of your mind.
When you can stop worrying about what other people think.
When you can live your life based on your values and not someone else’s expectations of you.

You’re allowed to change your mind.
You’re allowed to do it differently.
It’s OK to slow down. Rest more. Play more.
It’s OK to ask for help. (I’d argue it’s CRITICAL for your well-being)
It’s OK to change your mind. (about your career, your marriage, your self-care…)

So, start your New Year by writing yourself a big fat permission slip.
I give myself permission to ________________________.
Write this as many times as you need to.
See what shows up.

Happy New Year! (whenever you decide to celebrate it–totally up to you! 😊)

P.S. If you need help with accountability on living into those permission slip desires, book a life coaching session today. Or, if you want some spiritual guidance with that permission slip, book an intuitive coaching session today.

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