9 Self-Care Lessons from my Cat

by Elizabeth

Last night, we had to say good-bye to our sweet Graham Kitty. He was 14 years old and had been living with a tumor the size of a grapefruit in his belly for nine months (that we know of). When he stopped eating, we knew it was time to say our good-byes. If you want to read my more personal account about Graham, check out my tribute to him on Facebook.

In honor of Graham, I thought I’d share a few things I’ve learned from my cats (we still have 16 year old Percy and 14 year old Jasper at home) about self-care because in the domestic animal kingdom, cats really are the very best at taking care of themselves. Mostly because they regard themselves with high esteem and don’t seem to worry what anyone thinks of them. (No doubt you’ve heard the saying “Dogs have masters. Cats have staff!”) We humans would do well to follow their lead and know that we are rock stars and not worry so much about external validation, eh?

9 Self Care Lessons From My Cat(s)

  1. REST. Naps are ALWAYS a good idea. Particularly if you can find a sunspot.
  2. EAT GOOD FOOD. Eating is second in priority only to napping. And quality food, too. None of that Friskies crap. Beg for the good stuff like organic treats and table scraps of chicken and fish!
  3. ASK FOR HELP. It’s OK to tell people exactly where to scratch your itch. They will do it because you are so darned cute. They are happy to help and you get your needs met. A win-win.
  4. SAY THANK YOU. Purring is the best way to express gratitude. It’s a fun sound to make and it vibrates your whole body and feels gooooood! Plus, it makes your humans happy.
  5. PLAY, PLAY, PLAY. Work? What’s that? Play is the cornerstone for a happy life. Intersperse play into your day (in between naps and meals, of course) and you’ll always have a positive attitude.
  6. FAMILY MATTERS. “Birds of a feather flock together” or so the saying goes. It’s true for furry friends and their humans too. Stick together, love one another and take naps together.
  7. TRY SOMETHING NEW. Curiosity is the spice of life, which often involves taking risks. Like climbing up curtains and getting stuck behind washing machines. But it’s all in the name of fun. (see point #5)
  8. SIMPLIFY. It’s the simple things in life that bring the most joy. A piece of yarn. A tinfoil ball. A good belly rub. Chasing a plastic mouse. Sitting on a lap. Catching sunspots.  Tuna juice.
  9. LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY. Love self AND others this way. It’s the only way to go. We’re all fabulous so why pretend otherwise?

Revitalizing Action: If you have animals in your life, take a few minutes today to really observe their behaviors. (If you don’t have any pets, feel free to observe your neighbors or your friends with their beloveds.) See how good your furry four-leggeds are at getting their needs met. Make note if there’s a particular action that your cat or dog or other pet is modeling for you as a reminder that you could incorporate more of that into your life. And, feel free to comment below or on my Facebook page– I’d love hear what self-care lessons you’ve learned from your pets!

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