Five Essential Planning Questions to Design Your Perfect Retreat

by Elizabeth

The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it. -Sidney J. Harris

When was the last time you gave yourself some time off to rest, relax and recharge, to focus on BE-ing and not on DO-ing?

If you’re a parent like me, chances are good that doesn’t often happen for you during the school year when you’re running kids to sporting events, theatre rehearsals, piano lessons, and sleepovers.

But if you’re not a parent, or your kids are grown and out of the house, it’s still easy to get so overwhelmed in our fast paced, hyper-connected world with smart phones, social media, and information overload, that you think you’ll never catch up with yourself.

If you’re a partner, a friend, a business owner, a busy professional, or a volunteer, the demands of others can take a toll on your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health.

Taking yourself on retreat is a great way to press the “reset” button of your life and to connect with your intuitive, creative inner self. Whether you take three hours, an entire weekend, or a full-week, stepping out of “ordinary” time for a while can really help revitalize your business and your life.

How do you know if you need a retreat?
  • if you’re tired or overwhelmed by all you have “to do”
  • if you’re scattered or lack focus
  • if you can’t find peace and quiet at home or at work
  • if your creative juices are all gone
  • if you give your time and energy to others and routinely put yourself last

…than you are a prime candidate for retreat!

Excuses abound when it comes to going on retreat. “I can’t afford it” you might say. “I don’t have the time.” Other gremlins in your head can proclaim “How dare you take time off just for yourself? You don’t deserve that.” Or “There’s too much to do. Going on retreat is a waste of time.”

When you can dig beyond those excuses and shift your understanding to believing that you do deserve some time for you and know that the benefits are far-reaching (rest, clarity, creativity, energy), you’re ready to start planning your retreat.

Here are 5 essential questions to ask yourself while planning your retreat:

  1. Why do I want to retreat? – What’s your purpose? What do you need? To rest? To be in nature? To be alone? To be with others? What are you craving? Begin with the end in mind, to set yourself up for a satisfying experience.
  2. Where do I feel most nourished? – It can be your backyard, a local park, the beach, or halfway across the country. Make sure it’s a place that feels inspiring to you and will nurture you while there.
  3. What sensory elements will make me satisfied? – Include yummy food, beautiful scenery, scented candles, or inspiring music. Engage all your senses to drop more fully into your body and out of the restless chitter chatter in your mind.
  4. How can I mark this space + time as sacred? Create an altar with a candle or a rock or a pile of leaves—it doesn’t need to be fancy—but something to mark that this is sacred time and space for you to retreat.
  5. What creative process will support my experience? Retreats are more meaningful if you have a process to focus your energy—it can be journaling, hiking, collaging, dancing, drumming, or walking a labyrinth. Something to focus your attention on so your mind’s not wandering all over the place and you are able to access your inner creative muse.

Check your calendar right now. See when you can schedule your next retreat. Remember, a retreat doesn’t have to be long or expensive to be effective. A weekend or full-week is fabulous but even a Friday afternoon spent sitting at the base of a tree trunk and daydreaming can restore your soul in miraculous ways! You can go by yourself or go with others. It’s up to you!

And if you’re interested in retreating in community in the sacred mountains of North Carolina during peak foliage season with other like-minded women, check your calendar for Fall 2024. The Magical Mountain Retreat will be held Thursday, October 24 – Sunday, October 27 at a spectacular modern log home just east of Asheville, NC. There is only space for 10 women to join me so if you want to claim a spot, get the details below.

Click here to learn more about the Magical Mountain Retreat.

If you are:

  • Going through some sort of major life transition (and all the emotions that come with that—hope, wonder, curiosity, uncertainty, grief, overwhelm, excitement)
  • Craving time in community with other women for perspective and wisdom
  • Seeking time in nature for rebalancing and reconnection (especially the ancient mountains of western North Carolina that are truly magical)
  • Open to experiencing the divine sparks that occur in retreat space
  • Ready to engage in activities for reflection and renewal (and willing to try new things to expand your horizons)

… than this retreat will be perfect for you!

And, if you’re thinking about joining us in October but want to chat about it, sign up here for a 20-minute consultation call. Let’s talk and see if this is the right time for you to invest in a transformational retreat!

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