Stop consuming. Start choosing.

by Elizabeth

Fall is the time of year when, if we are in tune with the seasons, we naturally want to slow down and let go. We watch the leaves change from green to scarlet, orange, or yellow and eventually, fall to the ground and become compost for the soil. It’s a beautiful process to witness and it happens over several weeks and months.

I have been reading different books and blogs about astrology for years. I know just enough to follow the basics. Right now, we are in what’s called an eclipse portal…the period of time between two eclipses, in this case, a solar and a lunar eclipse. It’s a time to reassess, reevaluate and let go…all in preparation for embracing new opportunities and experiences that lie ahead for us.

This is a really good time to evaluate your consumption. When I think about consumption, I think about mindlessly allowing thoughts, ideas, people or experiences to fill us up—whether we want them or not.

Any of these sound familiar?

  • Eating an entire bag of Justin’s Dark Chocolate and Peanut Butter Cups in one sitting.
  • Binge watching Netflix.
  • Mindlessly scrolling through Instagram or Facebook and going down multiple rabbit holes.
  • Chatting with lots of people on a dating app but not finding true connection.
  • Having the news on 24/7 and staying in a constant state of anxiety about world affairs.

Think about what’s absorbing your time and energy that you could better spend elsewhere?

If you’re ready to create some space and do some release work, this is a wonderful time of year to clean up your diet, your budget, your relationships, and your information consumption. Here are a few tips:

1. What are you eating?

Now that Halloween is over (throw that hidden stash out now!), it’s a good time to assess your nutrition. Make hearty veggie soups and freeze leftovers for an easy meal. Visit your local farmer’s markets and support local farmers with their root veggies and hormone-free meats. Eat fruit instead of cookies and cakes. Decrease portion sizes by simply using smaller plates. Choose colorful foods and remember that food is fuel!

2. What are you watching, reading, or listening to?

Turn off the news. Quit watching scary movies that keep you up at night. Limit conversations with your Aunt Thelma who is all about conspiracy theories. Be very mindful of choosing what you want to ingest. Negative energy and ideas can contribute to poor quality sleep and poor productivity at work. Choose books, music, and movies that will inspire and uplift you!

3. What relationships are you engaging in?

I wrote about this recently in my blog, Does Your Inner Circle Speak Kindly and Love Fiercely. Consciously cultivate relationships that fuel you and don’t drain you. That’s easier to do with friend choices, I get it. But with toxic family members, set healthy boundaries. With work relationships, find ways to either improve communication or decrease the engagement with toxic people. Choose to spend time with healthy, happy people!

4. What are you spending your money on?

Take time to evaluate your spending. Are you buying clothes you don’t need? Eating out too often? Making impulse purchases online late at night and then regretting it after the fact? Treating yourself to Starbucks every day? Consider how you can modify your choices to still get your needs met but decrease spending and increase value. Choose to spend your money with companies that align with your values.

I encourage you to take time to write about this in your journal or talk with your partner, best friends or kids about what you are ready to let go of…then start making changes and let me know how it goes!

P.S. Did you know visual reminders are more effective than other types of reminders? This fact is only one reason why Sacred Celebrations customers appreciate seeing one of our bracelets on their wrist during times of challenge, embracing empowerment, or while celebrating triumphs. The gemstones and glass centerpiece bead are chosen with care. We’ve started adding these inspiration nuggets onto bracelet cards so you can consciously choose your jewelry with meaning. Plus, we say prayers and blessings over all the bracelets so the wearer may receive the love and joy infused into each handcrafted piece. Visit the website today to order your next gift for yourself or a loved one!

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