9 Ways You Can Find More Time to Rest

by Elizabeth

Think You Don’t Have Time to Rest? Think Again.

The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.
Sidney J. Harris

(In case you didn’t notice, I shared this quote last time and I’m repeating it again – it’s THAT important that you get the message!)

Our hustle culture is turning us into human doings, not human beings.
Our oversaturated information age is damaging our brains.
Our never-ending to-do list is suffocating our life force energy.

I keep hearing from my clients and colleagues:

“I’m drowning in responsibilities.”
“I don’t have time for me because I have to take care of everybody else.”
“How can I possibly do it all?”

The truth is, you can’t do it all.
Or at least not all at the same time.
You need to prioritize.
You need to gain clarity.
You need to put yourself first.
Because if you don’t, the consequences are disastrous.
Not only for you – but for all of those other people that you care for!
(kids, partners, elderly parents, clients, employees, neighbors, etc.)

Stop saying “I don’t have time,” “I can’t possibly…” or “I’m overwhelmed.”
Yep, we all are.
Set your intentions to create space in your life to prioritize rest.

Here are 9 ways you can find more time to rest:

  1. Quit the social media scroll. (Or limit it, set a timer for 10 min. and move on.)
  2. Stop watching TV, especially the news.
  3. Don’t talk with Debbie Downers. You know those folks that zap your energy. Don’t let them be energy vampires with your precious time. Be kind and wrap up the conversation and move on.
  4. Plan your day. When you use a calendar and lists, you tend to be more productive.
  5. Stop procrastinating. Eat that frog! (Thanks Brian Tracy! Do the hardest things first)
  6. Create a focus zone and manage interruptions. (Turn off your notifications and only do one task at a time.)
  7. Multitask when it makes sense. (Call your doctor’s office while emptying the dishwasher.)
  8. Delegate, delegate, delegate. (To your assistant, your kids or whoever.)
  9. Delete, delete, delete. Is it really that important? If not, take it off the list.

Here’s the truth: You DO have time to rest.
You just need to change your story about it and change your relationship to it.
And you need to change your habits around it, too.

When you rest, guess what happens?
You’ll be more productive, happier and healthier.

Need help with making this change?
Click one (or several) of these links for support!

Book a coaching session today
Come to the October retreat
Read Smart Self-Care for Busy Women
Read Sacred Celebrations
Read my recent blog about planning your own retreat

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