Writing Retreat Reflections + Why You Should Retreat, Too

by Elizabeth

I first learned about the poet John Roedel from my friend Laura when I lived in Raleigh. She was helping me with my Sacred Celebrations product line of magical bracelets and meaningful gift boxes, and we were arranging a photo shoot. We were talking about some challenging life things that we were both going through, and she casually said “Have you heard of the poet John Roedel? He speaks to exactly what we’re talking about.”

I looked him up and was instantly hooked. He’s a master storyteller, hilarious comedian, and genuinely kind and compassionate human being from Wyoming who writes about his faith crisis, mental health, personal struggles, and shares his keen perceptions on the world around him. I had the honor and delight to sit with him at several meals this week and learn more about his story.

John’s most famous poem My Heart and Brain Divorced went viral on Facebook during the pandemic and he’s now teaching and leading retreats around the U.S.

my brain and
heart divorced
a decade ago
over who was
to blame about
how big of a mess
I have become

they couldn’t be
in the same room
with each other

now my head and heart
share custody of me
I stay with my brain
during the week
and my heart
gets me on weekends

they never speak to one another
– instead, they give me
the same note to pass
to each other every week

and their notes they
send to one another always
says the same thing:

I’ll wait while you read the rest of the poem here.

Wasn’t that amazing?

Poetry is a powerful tool that supports us in embracing the present moment.

And so is retreat.

Whether it’s for an hour, a day, or a weekend, taking time to rest and renew in a retreat state of mind is critical for our health and well-being. On my retreat this past week at the breathtaking Kanuga Conference Center in western North Carolina, in less than 72 hours, I left with a full heart, new friends, deep insights on my spiritual journey, wonderful prompts for my writing, and sacred affirmation that I’m on the right/write path.

My next writing project, my third book, is about adoption reunions. I met three other adoptive mothers and one other adult adoptee at the retreat. We had intimate conversations about the joys and challenges of being members of the adoption triad. It was rewarding to be connected in this way, especially as I’ve officially kicked off writing this book. If you know anyone who is living in adoption reunion and would be interested in being interviewed for my book, please email me for more details!

Key takeaways from my writing retreat that perhaps you’ll want to chew on too…

  1. We are always in a state of growth and expansion. How am I becoming?
  2. How can I be faithful to Divine Love?
  3. Nature is not only a sanctuary, but a beloved Teacher.
  4. Stories told with emotion bind us together.
  5. Fitting in is for sardines. (another one of John’s books)

And my biggest takeaway…

Storytelling begets empathy which builds community and connection.

What stories do you have to share?
What stories do you want to hear more of?
Comment and share your thoughts—and your stories—with me! I love hearing from you.

And of course, if you want to come on retreat with me in October, I’d love to have you.

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