Life Coach Elizabeth Barbour is thrilled to announce her second book, “Sacred Celebrations: Designing Rituals to Navigate Life’s Milestone Transitions” will be released on November 14.
Whatever you are dealing with in life, approach this by practicing smart self-care and leaning into your community of friends and family to support you on your journey.
Life Coach Elizabeth Barbour shares five lessons learned from an unplanned sabbatical plus thoughts on navigating a major life-changing event.
Coach Elizabeth Barbour shares about her near-death experience and emphasizes the importance of practicing smart self-care.
For now, I’m being present with the intensity of grief and I’m allowing it to break me open. If you’re grieving may these self-care practices bring you peace and be of comfort while your heart is so tender.
Coach Elizabeth Barbour teaches 7 tips for practicing self-care using flowers. The symbolism of flowers can evoke all sorts of emotions and can send powerful messages to our psyche.