The new year brings with it a blank slate, a sense of “anything’s possible” and lots of hope and anticipation about the future.
In case you missed my 12 Days of Christmas series over on Instagram, I thought I’d share them with you to support your more meaningful gift giving this holiday season.
An important part of healing and expressing your whole self in this world is learning to reconnect with any lost parts of yourself. Coach Elizabeth teaches us how.
Gift-giving is an art. Whether you’re a naturally good gift-giver or you struggle to find the perfect” gift, these simple steps to holiday gift-giving will help.
Let’s evaluate your choices and consumption—defined as mindlessly allowing thoughts, ideas, people or experiences to fill us up, whether we want them or not.
Surrounding yourself with beauty and beautiful objects is a wonderful way to love yourself, to adorn yourself. Allow Coach Elizabeth Barbour to teach you how to get started.