12 Days of Christmas Gift Ideas

by Elizabeth

My inspiring, soul-full, and very playful friend, Dr. Shannon South, hosted a Girls Night Out Jewelry Party for me last week. I got to meet a bunch of her wonderful women friends but we did so much more than eat, drink, and shop for jewelry. She attracts some amazing women into her life—so be sure to check out her new SoulShine membership program so you can capture some of her energy!

We sat in a circle and shared our hearts about the big changes going on in our lives—one woman talked about starting to make plans to retire, two women talked about their exciting business expansion plans, and three women talked about sending their children off to college.

These were rich conversations and then when we started talking about the friends they were buying gifts for, they got to thinking about the big life transitions they are navigating:

  • Marriage
  • Divorce
  • Becoming Empty Nesters
  • Milestone Birthdays
  • Career Changes

And as we engaged in these conversations while browsing my handmade gemstone bracelets, they were able to choose gifts that felt particularly meaningful for each person on their list.

In case you missed my 12 Days of Christmas series over on Instagram, I thought I’d share them with you to support your more meaningful gift giving this holiday season. You can pop over to the Sacred Celebrations website to check them out or you can always email me with questions! (I make custom orders, too!)

12 Days of Christmas

It’s the most exhausting time of the year.
Come and get your zebra jasper and have stamina to get through allllll the social gatherings, gift buying (and wrapping and hiding!), extra cooking, family visits, kids home from school, keeping the cat from climbing the tree (help me now!).
Stay grounded—what is it really about?
Our spirits, family & friends and memory making.

It’s OK to wear your heart on your sleeve during the holidays.
Rose quartz is a beautiful reminder of the power of unconditional love for yourself and others.
Especially when your in-laws are coming, the turkey is burned, the lines at the mall wrap around the corner and your teen invited all of his friends over and forgot to tell you!

Don’t let that grumpy/toxic/annoying/negative co-worker get you down.
Slip on this cooling hematite and feel your blood pressure drop and your ability to deal with stupidity go up.
Makes a great gift for anyone in the service industry or retail at this time of year!
The perfect gift for your wise women friends.
Remind her of the queen that she is and let her know you appreciate her company, counsel, and compassion.

Everybody’s jeans get tighter this time of year.
But this bracelet always fits.
It encourages confidence and self-worth for the wearer.

It helps us feel like we’re “supposed to” during the holiday season…
Compassionate, generous and calm…
Keeps you from being a Grinch and helps your heart to grow three sizes.

Who do you know who is going through a major life transition?
Growing and expanding in exponential ways?
Give them this bracelet as a reminder to keep taking one step forward.

Introducing the LBB. This is a wardrobe essential just like your little black dress.
Whether it’s a black tie event, an important business meeting or a girls’ night out, you need at least one (or maybe all four) in your jewelry collection.
Onyx is a super stone offering support, strength and stamina. It’s great for protection, mitigating grief and boosting self-confidence.

Like the sun illuminates our planet, any light makes this earthy stone shine.
Earth + Sun = Terra Lux
This is the literal Latin translation for earth and sun.
Down to Earth doesn’t Have to Mean Dull…
For the woman who shines from within.

Dashing through your day
In a car that smells like feet
In-laws are on their way
What are we gonna eat?
Stress through the roof and anxiety got you up at night?
Slip on our Howlite bracelet and let go of that tension.
Before you know it, you’ll be laughing all the way…
To the mall, to the grocery store, to the carpool line, to basketball practice, back to the grocery store…

More worried about holiday dinner conversation than whether the turkey will be dry?
Love your cousins but totally disagree with their entire world view?
Really not up for playing Black Sheep this year?
Put on your turquoise and enjoy your people.
Turquoise invites healing, communication, and peace.

Like a Brake Pedal for Your Brain.
Slow Down and Get Clear
Mind Racing? There’s a bracelet for that.
They say the Truth is out there.
But you’re running around so fast it would just be a blur as you went past.
Tap the brakes.
Wear Sodalite.

Last day to mail gifts will be Wednesday December 21st so don’t delay, place your order today!

Happy shopping and happy holidays!

P.S. Asheville peeps, feel free to email me to schedule an appointment to stop by my studio until December 20th! I’d love to see you in-person!

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