It was soon after facilitating her first celebration of life, that I dubbed the White Rose Ceremony, that I realized that the focus of my book needed to be about bringing people together in community through the power of ritual and celebration. I’ve been working on that book diligently for the past few months which is why I’ve been a little quiet lately.
The first year after she died, I was in deep grief. This past year, the fog has lifted and instead I’ve been examining my life thoroughly as I imagine many people do once both of their parents are dead. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about my life, my family, my values, and my priorities. I’ve got a great marriage, an amazing child, and loving family and friends. But the one question I keep coming back to, especially as I walk in the woods talking out loud to my Mom and Dad, is “How can I best serve others?”
This month, I’m celebrating 18 years in business!
I am humbled and grateful beyond belief that I’ve had the privilege of working with hundreds of people around the country as their coach and have touched thousands of people through speaking, training, retreats, online classes, and more. Since 2000, my work has changed and evolved as I’ve grown both personally and professionally. My work as a life and business coach has always had a spiritual bent because I am a believer that we are all children of God, that we are all connected, and that love is our divine birthright.
With my intuitive coaching services, you sign up for just one session and get insight, resources and direction to help you move ahead with a problem you are facing. If you need support with relationship issues, business decisions, big life transitions, parenting struggles, communication challenges and more, this might be perfect for you! It’s quick, easy and yields positive results fast.
In celebration of 18 years, I’m offering it at a super affordable price in the month of August. You can read all about it here and sign up if it speaks to you.
Once I finish the first draft of my book, I hope to be in more regular communication with you. But in the meantime, if you want to stay in touch, come join me over on Facebook because that’s where I hang out online.
Thank you for being a part of my community and celebrating with me!
P.S. In the past few months that I’ve been offering intuitive coaching sessions to my beta testers, the results have been quite profound for some of them. My favorite response was from a client who said “it was like a 3-D experience with multiple layers of meaning tying my past, present, and future together.” Whoa.
P.P.S. Of course, I’m still available for more “traditional” life and business coaching and for anyone signing up for a 3 month package this month, I’ll offer an 18% discount in honor of my 18 years!