Are you ready to “Take the plunge”?

by Elizabeth

Earlier this year, I’m grateful that I had the opportunity to spend five days in Grand Cayman with my beloved husband.

It is a colorful island with friendly people, amazing food and a peaceful, relaxing vibe that you experience as soon as you step off the plane. It was a wonderful place to get refreshed and renewed.

One of the highlights of a visit to Grand Cayman is going to Stingray Alley. We took a charter with Captain Martins and it was truly a unique experience. A little unnerving at first, dozens of stingrays swarmed our group when they saw we had food for them. Our tour guides assured us they were harmless, and in time we were petting them, hugging them and even kissing them! It was exhilarating to be so close to wild animals like that and to witness their beauty and grace.

At our final stop, the boat operators allowed people to jump off the second story of the boat into the clear blue crystal water below. As soon as I saw other people jumping, I got in line. Eric raised his eyebrows at me and asked “You sure?” And I said “Why not?” He shook his head no thanks, so I put my camera in his hands and off I went.

I crawled over the rail, got my footing, and hesitated for just a few seconds. I took a big breath as I realized it was a long way down! But I had come this far. All I needed to do was let go and jump.

Wheeeeeeee! It was both scary and exhilarating!

But as you can see by the smile on my face when I resurfaced, I was filled with pure joy and a sense of accomplishment. I’m so glad that I took the risk.

I took the plunge. Literally. Into the turquoise blue waters of the Caribbean Sea.

I also took the plunge when I invested a chunk of money six months ago to hire a developmental editor to help me get the first draft of my book about rituals and celebrations completed. I was struggling doing it on my own and having weekly accountability has made all the difference for me. The progress is slow but it’s steady. I was recently interviewed by Dr. Sarah Seidelmann about my personal divorce rituals that appear in the book. You can watch the 15 minute interview here.

And again I took the plunge a few weeks ago when I formally announced my intuitive coaching offer. It’s different from the traditional coaching that I’ve been doing for almost two decades, but it’s deep and powerful work. Several new clients signed up immediately, and over the past few weeks, we’ve laughed and cried together as they’ve experienced profound “A-Ha’s” and received powerful messages to help them get unstuck. I’m so happy to share this work and help my clients to heal and grow!

So my question to you is this…

Where do YOU need to take the plunge in your life?

Perhaps it is time to….

  • Create a new product for your business
  • Say no to a commitment because it no longer feels good
  • Ask someone out on a date
  • Engage in a difficult conversation with a friend or loved one
  • Pursue a new path for a health issue you have been dealing with
  • Go back to school to get trained in a new field
  • Begin a spiritual practice that feels right to you
  • Quit your job and open a business
  • Leave an unhealthy relationship because it is toxic to your well-being
  • Sell your house to downsize or upsize
  • Commit to writing the book that has been bubbling in your brain for years

What are you ready to take the plunge for?

Please let me know. I’d love to celebrate with you and cheer you on!


P.S. And if you know you need to “take the plunge” but are feeling tentative or unsure, I’d love to invite you to consider booking an intuitive coaching session to help you get unstuck.

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