Navigate Change with Focus and Intention

by Elizabeth


As we all know, 2020 has been filled with change after change after change after change. It seems the world is slowly being dismantled and rearranged and none of us knows which end is up on any given day.

My favorite meme refers to this time as the “Coronacoaster.” I love this image…the ups and downs, twists and turns of life in this new decade.

While change can be confusing, challenging, overwhelming and disorienting, it often leads to great and wonderful things even if it’s hard while you’re in the middle of it.

Kind of like the caterpillar turning into the butterfly. The metaphor is overused, but I think that’s just because it’s so good. We’re really in the messy, goopy, icky middle right now. In the chrysalis.

In addition to adjusting to wearing masks all the time, working from home, managing virtual learning for your children, keeping socially distant and more, I know so many people going through big personal life changes.

I know three women going through divorces.

One girlfriend just had her second baby and is moving to another country.

I have several friends and colleagues who have recently experienced the death of a loved one.

One client just finished law school and is studying for the bar. Another is finishing her dissertation and will defend her doctorate this summer.

Two dear friends are retiring this year.

And me? My family is making a much anticipated, but still unexpected at this time, move from Texas back “home” to North Carolina.

So how do you stay sane in the face of so much change?

The most important thing to do is to remember to breathe.

Sounds almost too simplistic but it’s truly one of the very best things you can do.

  • Breathing brings oxygen to your brain so you can think clearly.
  • Breathing helps to regulate your nervous system so you calm down.
  • Breathing boosts your energy levels.
  • Breathing strengthens the immune system.
  • Breathing supports you in being fully present in the current moment and not jumping ten steps ahead of where you need to be.

Next time you find yourself feeling muddled, exhausted or unsure of what to do next, stop and take three deep belly breaths. And if you have time, take ten.

That life-giving pause between one task and the next could make all the difference.

Six Ways to Navigate Change with Focus and Intention

In addition to breathing, here are a few other things to remember.

  1. Spend time visualizing your desired outcome. Write it out, talk it out, dream about it. But imagine the best possible situation for your desired change. Getting divorced with kids? Envision a healthy co-parenting relationship. Starting a new business? Sketch out your business plan and flesh it out with details that inspire you to think about what’s possible!
  2. Set very clear and specific intentions to support the big vision. Studying for a big exam? Declare “I easily and effortless pass my exam with flying colors” or “I am confident in my knowledge on the subject.”
  3. Design a De-stress to do list, that way you always know what to do next. Sometimes we find ourselves in paralysis analysis and looking at a quick list can help us get unstuck. Have an impromptu dance party. Call a friend. Eat an apple. Go for a quick walk. Do downward dog. Pet your cat.
  4. Build downtime into your schedule to avoid burnout. If you’re moving (like me) and getting worn out with all of the physical decluttering and thousands of decisions that need to be made, make sure you build in time multiple times a day for a quick reset. For me, I’ve been trying to walk every morning, take a break for lunch and be sure to stop working at least an hour before bed and just relax.
  5. Create a transition plan to help you navigate from A-to-Z. I coach my clients leaving a traditional job and starting a new business to do this very thing. This involves visioning, planning and setting clear timelines and expectations. Having a roadmap makes the journey much less bumpy!
  6. Ask for help. Lots of it. You’ll feel so much better getting support and chances are good, your loved ones will feel good that they were able to lend a hand. We need each other, so remember to ask!

One of my favorite sayings sat on my fridge for years after my divorce was this

“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”

Let’s grow together!

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