Olympic-Sized Self-Care Strategies

by Elizabeth

I love the Olympics! Do you?

The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics are over but I loved spending two weeks watching the world’s greatest athletes compete. I didn’t get to see as much as I’d hoped but I caught some amazing highlights of several American legends…

I loved Nathan Chen’s dynamic gold medal performance in men’s figure skating.

Chloe Kim’s gold medal run in the women’s halfpipe was gorgeous to watch.

The emotion after Shaun White’s final snowboarding run was palpable. His retirement is the end of an era!

What were your favorite events?

I’m always inspired by their backstories. They are rich with hard work, dedication, and the unwavering support of family and friends who believe in them.

World-class athletes are focused on their craft but they also understand that a solid self-care foundation is critical for their success.

Business owners and professionals are like athletes. We need to work hard, stay focused, and be committed to our craft to be successful.

So, if you want to be at the top of your game, how would you rate yourself with your self-care strategies?

  1. Eat Nutritious Foods
  2. Get Optimal Exercise
  3. Prioritize Sufficient Sleep
  4. Work with a Coach
  5. Maintain Healthy Boundaries
  6. Engage Spiritual Practices
  7. Create Supportive Community
  8. Ask for Help
  9. Embrace Failure as Part of Learning
  10. Visualize the End Result

Would you earn a bronze, a silver, or a gold medal based on your answers?

Or, would you even be on the podium?

And if not, why not?

Your goals and dreams are just as important as those of the Olympians we just watched. If your desire is to grow a successful business, raise a happy family, experience amazing health, travel the world, make lots of money so you can be of more service to the world, invent something, improve your community, or whatever else your heart desires, you can make it happen. And building a strong self-care foundation is a key ingredient for your success.

If you’re ready to up your game and revitalize your self-care plan, start small. Pick one thing that you can commit to today—maybe it’s eating more vegetables, trying a new form of exercise (snowboarding anyone?), spending more time with your kids, or asking for more help at work—and try it for a month and see how it goes.

And if working with a coach (like ALL Olympians do!) is part of your plan, get in touch, ok?

Here’s to your gold medal success,

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