Overwhelmed? You’re not alone…

by Elizabeth

Have you been feeling disconnected lately from yourself? From others? From your spirit?

Have you had difficulty making decisions? Having a hard time focusing or experiencing brain fog?

How has your sleep been? Exercise? Nutrition?

If you’re like most people I know—coaching clients, colleagues and friends—you’ve struggled with some, if not all, of these in recent months.

You’re not alone.

There is a lot of uncertainty about the future and it creates stress, anxiety, and fears about what’s next.

So, when the external world is in turmoil, a proven strategy is to return inward.

In astrological terms, we have several planets retrograde right now which means that it’s a powerful time to reflect, review, refresh, and renew.

We’re seeing that with individuals, with families, with workplaces, in our communities and in our society at large. Old systems are being questioned, dismantled and examined and new, better worlds are being imagined right in front of our eyes.

One of my favorite sayings is “If you’re not part of the solution, then you’re part of the problem.”

So what part of the solution are you going to be?

Questions for Contemplation

  1. How am I feeling about everything happening in the world right now?
  2. In the past, when life has been tumultuous on the outside, how have I returned to finding inner peace?
  3. What practices can I start engaging in right now that will help me to find peace and calm when I need it most?
  4. What outlets do I have to express my feelings and process my experiences? (friends, family, neighbors, coaches, colleagues, therapist, spiritual advisor)
  5. What’s the bigger vision that I have for my life? For my family? For my community? For the world?
  6. What is my commitment to change and grow both personally and professionally?
  7. What inspired actions am I going to take to work toward those brighter visions?

If you’d like some support in exploring these questions and more, you can always schedule a coaching session with me.
Another new option is that I’m now enrolling intuitive, creative professional women with big dreams for a 6-month mastermind program called The Sacred Success Circle. Take a peek and let me know if it appeals to you…we can hop on the phone anytime to answer any questions you have.

I’d love to be your guide,

P.S. If you’d like to jump in and experience the virtual retreat I’ve been doing this week, it’s not too late. All of the Connect & Thrive! videos are available for replay and will be up until next Tuesday night. You could take yourself on a mini-retreat and binge watch them this weekend. More inspirational than some random thing on Netflix and hopefully more motivational to get you to take action toward living your life on purpose and in alignment with who you really are…(but hey, if you’d rather watch Jamie and Claire on Outlander, I won’t judge).

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