12 Things to Quit if You Want More Peace and Balance In Your Life

by Elizabeth

You are a busy person. Life is busy. Work is busy. Your kids make you busy. Your kids make you crazy. You start to believe you really are crazy. Then you wonder why things are so crazy. Oh well, the world is crazy, right? (have you followed U.S. politics lately?)

But I know you and you believe it can be better. It can be different. It is possible to have more peace and calm and flow in your life (at least you hope it is). You wonder how to change it. But you’re not sure where to start.

I have a secret: It starts with YOU!

It starts with you changing your mindset and changing your habits and doing things you’ve never done before. It starts with you being a little uncomfortable in the short-term so that you can be a LOT more comfortable in the long-term. It starts with you believing in yourself and knowing that YOU matter, too.

Because you’re so busy (and so am I!) I’m going to keep this short and to the point. Here are some gentle reminders to quit these mindset habits that no longer serve you (and in some cases, they probably never did). When you release them, you’ll feel just a little less crazy. And busy. And that’s a good thing!


12 Things to Quit if You Want More Peace and Balance In Your Life

  1. Feeling guilty for taking time for yourself.
  2. Saying yes when you really mean no.
  3. Saying no when you really mean yes.
  4. Pretending that everything is OK and that you have it all under control.
  5. Trying to be, do, have it all.
  6. Trying to do it all by yourself.
  7. Worrying about what other people think about you.
  8. Neglecting yourself and putting yourself last on the list.
  9. Comparing yourself to others.
  10. Judging others.
  11. Ignoring your body’s messages.
  12. Overscheduling yourself so there is no breathing room.


Revitalizing action: Pick one to QUIT this week and see what happens. Let me know here or on Facebook.

Here’s to Quitting!


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