Quick Tips from A to Z to Revitalize Your Day!

by Elizabeth

Have you ever had one of those days where things aren’t going quite right?

Perhaps you slept through your alarm, your cat puked on your shoe as you were walking out the door, traffic was horrendous, an order with a client got messed up, you’ve got back to back meetings all day long, and you forgot your lunch on the kitchen counter?

Yeah, we’ve all had days like that.

Or weeks like that.

Or years like that.

(2016, anyone?! I don’t think I’m alone – please tell me I’m not! )

When you do, sometimes the best change to make is a small one. Change your perspective, try something new, reach out for connection…something small but meaningful.

This list is filled with simple and sometimes pithy reminders to help you get back to the basics. Just as children have to review their ABCs as they are learning to read, we sometimes need to go back to the basic ideas we learned as kids.

As you read through this, see if one or more of these speaks to you. Then ask yourself why a particular concept or phrase jumped out at you? Maybe it’s time to apply the idea to the challenge you’re facing and see if you can shed some new light on the situation.

Quick Tips from A to Z to Revitalize Your Day!

Ask for help.

Build community at work, at school, at home. 

Count your blessings. Write down 5 things you’re grateful for every day!

Do the right thing. Especially when no one is watching.

Expect magic and miracles.

Forgive quickly and forgive often. Life is too short to hold grudges.

Get creative. Make some art, write a story, sing a song. Creativity shakes things up!

Help others.

Inspire others by your example. Own your strengths and be loud and proud!

Just do it.

Keep it simple, silly! Sometimes we overcomplicate things. Streamlining helps.

Let your light shine. 

Move your body. Go for a walk, dance to your favorite ABBA song or do some yoga stretches.

No is a complete sentence. Please, please remember this one. And practice it from time to time!

Open your mind and your heart.

Please and thank you will get you everywhere.

Pay It Forward. Watch this movie stat, if you haven’t seen it.

Question situations that don’t feel right.

Rest often and rest well. Sleep more, nap occasionally and take time to sit and relax.

Strive for enoughness, not always excellence.

Thank God, your angels, and your humans regularly.

Understand that what other people think about you is none of your business.

Value diversity. It’s the spice of life!

When in Rome…

X-Ray your goals. Are they clear and focused? Will they get you where you want to go?

You are enough just as you are.

Zigzag when necessary. The straight path is not always the best one.


I’d love to know which quick tips you resonate with the most! What are your top three favorites? Send me a note and let me know!

Here’s to Your Revitalized Day!


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