3 P’s for Planning Your Next Vacation

by Elizabeth

I just returned from a glorious five nights in Belize with my husband. It was the first time that we have been away for a significant amount of time in five years just the two of us. We had one of the best vacations we’ve ever had and we have agreed that we will not wait another five years before we schedule a trip like it!

We relaxed on a really deep level. We walked the island every day. We went snorkeling and saw colorful fish, beautiful coral, and graceful sting rays. We watched 5 dolphins (4 adults and 1 baby!) cavort in the ocean near our boat. We went kayaking in the peaceful waters of the mangroves. We ate healthy food lovingly prepared for us. We gazed at the millions of stars visible when you’re out on an island. We read books for several hours each day lazing around in our hammocks. We each had two massages in one week!

It was fun to share our sun, sand and surf adventures with friends on Facebook. Many people said “Yay you!” and “You needed this!” and “You deserve this!” I even had one coaching client e-mail me and say “I love how you take time to care for yourself and go away to terrific places. I hope to be able to do that one day!”

Yes, I do a pretty good job of self care most of the time… but the truth is, I was running on empty before we went on this trip. After my mom died in September, it was a whirlwind of activity with managing her estate and her belongings. There is not much time to grieve after a loved one dies because there is simply so much to do to put their affairs in order. Then we had several other family deaths and illnesses and I’ve been sick repeatedly and it’s just been non-stop.

I knew that if I didn’t choose to stop soon to rest and recharge, my health struggles would force me to stop.

Vacation is absolutely essential for your health and well-being. Don’t’ wait until it’s too late to plan it. Start today! It doesn’t really matter where you go or what you do, but stepping away from every day responsibilities and changing your scenery is good for the mind, body, and spirit. Spending time in nature is incredibly healing and spending time doing nothing is a great way to press the reset button of your life!

Here are three P’s to consider as you schedule your next vacation…

1.  Priorities – What is most important to you for a getaway? Do you need time with your spouse? Quality family time with the kids? Need to change climates for a bit? Want to spend time in nature? Or are you craving a family reunion with cousins galore? Once you get clear on your priorities, it will be easier to plan!

 2.  Problems to be Solved– What is standing in the way of you having a great vacation? Are you worried about leaving your kids? Don’t have the budget to take the kind of vacation you’d really like to take? Perhaps you are caregiving for a family member and it’s hard to think about leaving at all. Or maybe you don’t feel that you can take a vacation because work is just really busy these days.

Whatever it is, flex your problem-solving muscles. I know you have them! (We had never left Riley with anyone but a family member but when we knew we absolutely needed some time away, we got creative and hired a graduate student. Riley adores her and our hard working graduate student made some much needed extra money! A win-win-win!)

3.  Perspective – Look at the bigger picture of your life and what you really need and desire. When you’re parenting, being away from your kid for a week feels like a really long time. But the truth is, most little kids won’t remember that you left them for a week when they are older. And the short-term gain that you receive is well worth it. If you’ve got some relatives you haven’t seen in 5-10 years and you really love spending time with them, making the effort and spending the money to visit them is something you will surely not regret. Last year we made the effort to go to my biological grandmother’s 95th birthday celebration in Florida and I’m so glad we did because she passed away just a few months later.

As we head into summer here in the U.S. in the coming weeks, it’s a popular time of year for families to take vacations. Ask yourself the following:

  1. What are my priorities for some vacation time this summer?
  2. What problems are causing us to get stuck in the planning and how can we solve them?
  3. What perspective can I gain by looking at the bigger picture?

If you want someone to champion you as you plan your next vacation, email me and I’ll be happy to cheer you on!

Here’s to your next vacation! (and mine!)


P.S. If you want to go to Belize, we can highly recommend St. George’s Caye Resort. It was magical!

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