Top 5 Most Popular Revitalization Tips

by Elizabeth

I love to celebrate just about anything! Big things like birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, new babies and new jobs are all deserving of a big party in my book. But little things deserve recognition, too. Things like acing an exam, hitting a fitness milestone, organizing your garage, getting a good review at work, etc.  And that’s what I want to celebrate with you this week – a little thing.

I’ve written 52 newsletters in the past year! Haven’t missed a week! Woo Hoo! I’ve written a lot in my business in the past 15 years. Several years’ worth of blog posts, e-zines, sales pages, copy for 7 (Yes, 7!) websites, hundreds of social media posts (I especially have fun on Facebook) and dozens of my articles have been published. Writing is part of how I share my message with the world.

So why is this 52 week milestone a big deal?  While I do write a lot, I had been inconsistent in developing content for my website after taking a sabbatical when we first moved to Texas. So I set a goal for consistency (thanks to my coach, Jane) and put a system in place (thanks to my assistant) and it’s worked like clockwork. The thing about being an entrepreneur is that it’s really easy to get caught up in shiny object syndrome. Running away with the next new idea or hot topic is fun and interesting, but it’s the regular commitment to putting out quality content that keeps readers coming back for more, right?

So I want to take a moment and say THANK YOU!  Thank you for being part of my community and for looking to me for inspiration, advice and stories to help you revitalize your business and your life.


  • Thank you for writing me encouraging emails each week to tell me that something resonated for you.
  • Thank you for sharing my articles on social media with your friends and saying “Hey, you need to read this!”
  • Thank you for inviting me to speak to your groups and organizations.
  • Thank you for being part of my tribe. I am so very grateful!


In celebration of  52 weeks, I want to share with you the most popular blogs from the past year. Perhaps you read them and need a refresher or perhaps you missed them and now is the perfect timing for you to read some of these revitalization tips!

1.  Asking for Help: What are you Afraid Of? This was the most popular article of all. I think it’s because we are all so used to doing everything ourselves and think that we need to be Super Women (and Super Men!) and do it all by ourselves… and we’re exhausted!  I’ve got a secret: You don’t have to do everything alone. It really is OK to ask for help!
2.  Realize Your Worth. I imagine this article struck a chord with readers because it’s easy to get caught up in feeling worthy when you do something good (doing) versus realizing that we are worthy simply as we are (being). Hopefully this is a gentle reminder that you rock just as you are!  

3.  The Power of Presence.  I wrote this after attending the funeral for one of Riley’s 4 year old playmates. It was a very sacred experience to journey with this family through their son’s illness and his death. I think readers resonated with the reminder to be really present with our friends and loved ones. Life is short and we just don’t know how much time we have here on planet Earth.

4.  Give Yourself Permission to Say No! I know that when I talk to my clients about finding breathing room in their lives, one of the phrases I hear most often is “it’s hard to say no!” Together, we work on shifting that mindset and after a while, they learn how liberating it can be to exercise their “no.” Try it. You’ll like it!
5.  Five Retreats You Can Plan Today.  Everyone loves the concept of stepping away from the real world for a few days but often people don’t think they have the time to go on retreat. This article spells out some easy ways to get away and revitalize your body, mind and spirit. Ready, set, plan your retreat!

I’d love to hear from you if one of these articles struck a chord for you or reminded you of something you needed reminding of! Please let me know… I genuinely want to know!

Here’s to 52 weeks! (and many more!)


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