7 Steps to Spring Clean Your Office

by Elizabeth

My office is a mess!

There, I said it. UGH! I hate admitting it, but it’s true. (Can you relate?)

After my mom died last fall, we had to move all of her stuff very quickly (within weeks) into our house. It took us a while to find homes for the big things (furniture) and to donate what we weren’t able to use (especially her clothing) but I’ll admit there are still boxes and baskets of items that need to be gone through.

If you’ve ever cleaned out a loved one’s home after they’ve died, you know what I’m talking about. Unfortunately, several of those items (including 2 TVs that need to be sold!) found their way into my home office. And I’ve been so busy lately, I haven’t given them attention. I just conveniently look past the piles that need tending to. Not good.

But now that spring is officially here, it’s time for some purging! (My apologies to my northern readers who just got 20” of snow!!! Spring will come to you soon, I promise!)

Do you want to join me?

First and foremost, schedule it. If it’s not in your calendar, it’s not in your life!

Keep it as a sacred appointment with yourself. If you’re usually pretty tidy, you may only need 1-3 hours to go through these tasks. If your office needs a bit more TLC (a messy desk is the sign of a creative mind, right?!) then schedule an entire day for your spring cleaning project.

Here are 7 spring cleaning suggestions to get you started:

1.  Clean off your desk. File what needs to be filed. Pitch what no longer serves. Focus on your “work zone” with an action file, prominent to do list or both.

2.  Change up your artwork. Either add new pieces or rearrange what you have. I worked with a local interior designer Cindy Fink a few months ago and she saw my first magazine cover framed but it was hidden in a corner of my office where no one (including me) could really see it. She said, “Elizabeth, this needs to be front and center to remind you of the impact you’re having in the world!” Then she also added a huge canvas of my family into my workspace to remind me what’s most important of all! ☺

3.  Purge your file drawers. Go through your drawers and move current projects, client files and reference materials you use regularly to the front. Everything else gets relegated to the back drawers or if you’re ready to release them, throw them in the trash (Or, more accurately, recycle them! Shred first if necessary!)

4.  Organize your bookcase. Release books that no longer serve you. Donate them, give them to friends or sell them. Take those other books stacked up on the floor and put them away properly on the shelves.

5.  Clean your electronics. Dust gathers on computer screens, printers, keyboards, and phones. Take a few minutes to wipe them down and they’ll be sparkling in no time!

6.  Personalize things. Add photos of your best friend. Buy fresh flowers or add a green plant. Introduce a cool Himalayan pink salt lamp to energize your space.

7.  Organize your electronic storage. This can be a big project! I like this article that walks you through how to organize your e-files. But all you have to do is Google “How to organize your electronic files” and you’ll find some great tips!

Just remember, you’ll feel so much better after your space is cleared, the clutter is gone and you’ve reorganized your environment. You’ll be more efficient and productive AND you’ll be energized and inspired to go to work each day!

Revitalizing action: Read through this list and decide which projects you want to tackle. Then, open up your calendar and block out as much time as you need to get them done. Lastly, celebrate when you’re finished!

Send me an email and let me know your spring cleaning plans. I’d love to cheer you on!

Here’s to YOUR clean office! (and mine, too!)


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