Celebrate the Little Things!

by Elizabeth

WOO HOO! It’s Party Time over here at ElizabethBarbour.com.

Today is a big milestone for me personally. (Now, to you, it may not seem like a big deal. But to me, it’s huge!)

Today I’m celebrating two years of writing a new article (and sending it to you!) every single week.

After almost 17 years in business, you may say “What’s all the fuss? Shouldn’t you have been doing that all along?”

Yes, yes, I probably should have. But the truth is, writing has never been my favorite thing to do. As a result, I’ve done it only when I’ve been inspired… but I haven’t been consistent at it.

I love coaching. I love speaking. I love leading retreats. I love networking. These things I have always been consistent within my business.

But writing? It’s like having my teeth pulled. UGH!!! I’ve written newsletters and have blogged on and off over the years. But it’s been monthly or quarterly or weekly for a few months and then none at all for a long time.

And as if writing isn’t bad enough, for me, the technology part of it is even worse. I’m not that great at managing details and it was getting in my way of sharing my message with my tribe.

So two years ago, I decided to do something about it. I hired a virtual assistant. Her name is Danielle Hoover and she happens to live in my neighborhood (although we do most of our work via phone and email!). She’s a freaking rockstar, in my book! 

And where did I meet her? At my networking luncheon! J (Funny how that works – you do something you love and you connect with the very people you need to help you move your business forward.)

I hired Danielle for the express purpose of helping me get consistent with writing.

We publish every Wednesday morning which means I have to get my article to her by Tuesday around noon and Tuesday afternoon she formats it for me and we set it up to send to you on Wednesday morning. Ta da!

At first, it was hard. Writing an article EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK.

But I knew Danielle was counting on me. And we had a deadline to meet. And in time, you, my readers, started counting on me too.

I get emails every week from someone saying “Thank you, I needed to hear that!” or “Wow, that really resonated for me today.” or “That really gives me something good to think about.”

So today I am celebrating Danielle and virtual assistants everywhere who help make their clients lives’ easier.

I’m also celebrating YOU, my loyal readers (Some of you I’ve known for more than 15 years!), and appreciate the connection we have.

And lastly, I’m celebrating three key principles of entrepreneurship that I often advise my clients about but I sometimes forget for myself:

  1. Consistency is key to success!
  2. It’s OK to ask for help.
  3. Delegate your weaknesses.

I’d love to hear from you especially today…

  •  What subjects have been most helpful for you in the past 2 years?
  • Are there any stories that have particularly resonated with you?
  • What would you like me to write more about?
  • What challenges are you facing right now that you could use some perspective on?

I really want to know so please email me! And if you just want to say WOO HOO! And join in our little party over here, that’s great too.

Thanks for celebrating with us! (It’s the little things, right?!)


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