Celebrating 21 Years of Entrepreneurship

by Elizabeth

Every August, I pause and take time to count my blessings. When I first discovered coaching in 2000, I had NO IDEA how my life would change in radical and profound ways. It’s been my greatest privilege to serve the world as a coach, speaker, shamanic practitioner, retreat leader and more. Last year I wrote about all of the GEMS I’ve collected in the past two decades and you may want to read it here to see if you find any gems of your own. This year, I’m taking time to reflect on some of the positive influences on my journey below. As a THANK YOU for being in my community, for any coaching sessions (traditional or intuitive/shamanic sessions) you book in the month of August, use the code CELEBRATE21 to get 21% off.

21 people, groups or resources that have positively impacted me (in no particular order)

21. Thomas Leonard. Considered the father of modern coaching, he spearheaded the creation of an entire industry based on helping people live their best lives. I was grateful to be able to take a class or two from him when I was a brand new coach, just a few years before his untimely death at a young age.

20. My ex-husband. I started my coaching business on the side, when I had a full-time job as a director of admissions at a small women’s college in Philadelphia. I had talked about starting my own business for years, and he believed in my ability to be a successful entrepreneur. It was one of many gifts he gave to me over the years of our relationship. What did you gain from your ex(es)?

19. The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber. A business classic, any entrepreneur needs to read this book over and over again.

18. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. A must-have book on your personal development reading list. Be impeccable with your word. Don’t take anything personally. Don’t make assumptions. Always do your best. Simple, powerful and truly transformational concepts if applied to your life daily. What I love best about these? They apply in any and all situations in life—relationships, business, health, spirituality, self-care—you name it, it fits. Which Agreement is your favorite?

17. Cool cities. Over the past 21 years, I’ve lived in five cities. Philadelphia, Asheville, Tallahassee, Houston and now Raleigh. Each city has a unique flavor, energy and appeal to it. I’ve enjoyed finding the right people to connect with, the right groups to participate in and the beautiful spaces in nature that remind me to always stay connected to the rhythm of life and of Mother Nature.

16. Professional organizations. From the International Coach Federation to the National Speakers Association to the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (and others I’m forgetting at the moment!) I’ve always found great value in networking with colleagues with similar interests. We can learn so much from one another – whether it’s sharing resources, leads or simply cheering each other on. What professional organizations have you participated in?

15. All the coaches I’ve worked with. To be a good coach, you have to be coached. I’ve had dozens over the years who have helped me see myself, my business and the world with fresh eyes and new perspective. Whether I work with someone for one session, take a class, attend a workshop or have an on-going relationship for a year or more, I’m committed to always improving my craft as a coach by learning from some of the best in the business.

14. Corporate clients. I’ve mostly been a coach to small business owners and women professionals, but I’ve the pleasure of speaking to plenty of larger organizations along the way too. Whether it was BASF, the University of Texas, the Florida Bar, the Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce, the City of Asheville or dozens of others, I’m reminded that within large organizations work individual people who are striving to be their best and who crave connection, balance and inspiration.

13. My private coaching clients. Smart, funny, spiritual, hard-working, values oriented and more, my clients show up to sessions ready to dive in and do deep work to live their best lives. We might be transforming limiting beliefs, planning their smart self-care strategy, outlining their next book, setting sales goals for the next year or talking about effective communication strategies… whatever it is, I am always in awe of their courage and commitment! Are you ready to stop living tired and start living inspired? Get in touch and let’s work together. Use the coupon CELEBRATE21 at check out to get 21% off!

12. Shamanic practitioners I’ve studied with. My primary spiritual teacher, Marna, is based in the mountains of Western North Carolina. But I have several others that I’ve studied with, too. Each person has helped me to connect more deeply with my Self, Others and with Spirit. I’ve developed my gifts as an intuitive and am able to support my clients now in ways I never knew possible two decades ago when I started. What spiritual teachers have impacted you?

11. Contractors I’ve worked with. Having the right team in place makes all the difference to the success of your organization. I’ve been blessed to hire—and then learn from—fantastic virtual assistants, web designers, graphic designers, social media managers and more.

10. Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo. Less Input, More Output (essentially, spend less time learning and more time creating) is one of my biggest takeaways from her book.

9. Tut.com. I’ve been on Mike Dooley’s mailing list from the beginning and the Daily messages from the Universe keep me laughing, keep me curious and keep me open to all of the possibilities that life has in store for us. Do you subscribe to these?

8. My family. My husband Eric and daughter Riley have been super supportive over the years, as have my extended family as well. I don’t think my mom, Joan, ever truly understood the extent of what I do but she sure got excited when I was on TV or in a magazine or had an exciting new client and she was always one of my biggest cheerleaders! I miss her.

7. My writing buds. I have a lot of fellow author friends who inspire me daily with their focus and accomplishments. I’m especially grateful for my writing mastermind that has keep me going as I finish up my Sacred Celebrations manuscript. The finish line is in sight and I’ll have more details for you soon about the launch date!

6. Brene Brown, Glennon Doyle, and Liz Gilbert. Speaking of writing, they are successful women authors that I turn to again and again for their wisdom, insights and practical advice on navigating life. Daring Greatly, Untamed, and Big Magic are three of my all-time favorite books. Have you read any of these? Which was your favorite?

5. Zenhabits.com. Leo Babuta’s blog is one I dip into on occasion when I need a simple, straightforward look at life.

4. Guidance from the stars. In recent years, I’ve gotten really curious about astrology. The more I understand the influence of the sun, moon and stars on our planet and on us as individuals, the more easily I find my life flowing. Some of my favorite teachers are Dr. Jenn Zhart, Brianna Saussy and Theresa Reed, Madalyn Aslan and Rob Breszny. Who are some of yours?

3. My Sacred Celebrations Facebook Group. I started this women’s group at the beginning of the pandemic and it’s been a wonderful resource for connection, joy, hope and positivity! Come join us!

2. My best friends. They make me laugh, always have my back and they push me to be my best (even when it pisses me off). They celebrate life’s joys with me and hold me tenderly when I’m grieving. They see all of me and have witnessed me through this insane rollercoaster of life. There’s nothing so treasured as a dear life-long friend.

1. You! My dear readers, supportive community, clients, friends and family who are on this journey with me. I am grateful for you every single day.

I’d love to hear from you what resonated in this article, please leave a comment. 

Cheers to 21 years!


P.S. Tired of feeling stuck and uncertain? Feeling overwhelmed and burned out? Give yourself the gift of a coaching today. Sign up here and use coupon code CELEBRATE21 for 21% off in August! What are you waiting for?

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