Remember, Be True to You

by Elizabeth

“Remember, be true to you.”

That’s the last thing Tory, my wonderful acupuncturist in Holly Springs, said to me one day last summer as I was leaving her office.

My beloved Eric and I had been in marriage counseling all summer and I was struggling with the path that lay ahead. On one level, I think I knew that our marriage was over. But I wasn’t yet ready to face that fact.

How could I love somebody so much but also know that our time together as a couple was complete?

Turns out, it wasn’t an either/or.
It was a both/and.

Both things could be true. I could love Eric and want to be free from our marriage.

It took me many months to reconcile that within myself and for us to reconcile that as a couple. But a year later, I can see how the unfolding of it all has been what needed to happen.

We may not be married anymore, but we are still family. We now live in two houses and spend family time all three of us at least twice a week. We still have a ton of fun together and continue to work well as a team. We are simply redefining what our relationship looks like. As friends, as co-parents, and as two people who have spent 20 years together.

It’s not always easy, but if we continue to be mindful, treat one another with love, respect and compassion and always put our daughter’s needs first, we will do just fine. Better than fine.

Because the fact is, when you live your authentic life, you are happier, healthier, more vibrant and feel more complete.

Where do YOU need to be truer to your authentic self?

Are you happy in your career or your business?

Do you wake up excited to contribute to the world each day? If you’re not completely satisfied, what small steps can you take to start making a change?

How is your health?

Are you taking good care of yourself with consistent habits of nutritious food, plenty of exercise, time for rest and renewal, connecting with friends and family? What changes can you make today to start feeling better tomorrow?

Are your relationships satisfying?

Take time to evaluate your connections with your partner, children, parents, siblings, friends, colleagues. If something doesn’t feel truly authentic, what can you say or do to move in that direction?

Are you living where you want to be?

In the right home, the right city, the right state, the right country where you feel aligned with the place, the people and the land? If not, what can you start changing to align with the space that feels the best to you? Sign up for the Home and Life Design Summit this month to get inspiration! (My interview will be coming out on Oct. 23.)

We live in a culture that often sends messages about how we should live our lives. But if we listen to the external voices at the expense of our internal knowing, it can cause us to be unhappy and even get sick.

Life is too short to not be living authentically.

Live true to your values, your mission, your purpose, your passion and your personality and it will lead to greater happiness and fulfillment.

Start today.

Remember, be true to you,

P.S. And as always, if you need support from someone who is constantly seeking to align with her authenticity and has guided hundreds of others in the process, schedule a session.

P.P.S. One of the ways I’m being more authentic is expressing my creativity through my jewelry designs! I’m having so much fun designing these as meaningful gifts for people all over and look forward to sharing more as we get into holiday/gift season. Hooray!

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