Gratitude from A-Z

by Elizabeth

Gratitude is a game changer. Energy flows where attention goes so if you spend your days focusing on negativity and worry, you’ll attract more of that into your life. Conversely, if you consciously focus on expressing your gratitude throughout the day, you’ll find more abundance and ease flowing into your life.

Every Tuesday in my Sacred Celebrations Facebook group, I give a prompt to encourage members to focus on what they’re grateful for. I may encourage them to capture 3-5 things they’re grateful for in this moment, share a photo of a pet or person that makes them happy or I might invite them to do a stream of consciousness listing of everything they’re grateful for from that week.

Last week, I decided to see if they’d play along with creating a “Gratitude from A-Z” list with me and play they did! Use this list to inspire you today—and consider doing this exercise with your colleagues at work to start off a meeting, with your family at dinner time or possibly while driving on a long road trip with a friend.

Gratitude from A-Z

A is for ambition that inspires us to pursue our passion.

B is for babies so sweet and cuddly.

C is for cousins that understand what family means and also for my children that fill my days with Joy.

D is for dreams…both sleeping and waking…that show us our deepest selves.

E is for every day you wake and get to say ‘hello sunshine’ even on a cloudy rainy day.

F is for flight, physical and imaginative, that takes us to places we would otherwise only dream of.

G is for my garden for giving me my time in nature.

H is for hugs and happiness that you feel when with your loved ones.

I is for imagination and how anything we can imagine, we can accomplish.

J is for joy – not happiness (which to me is more dependent on external factors) but an internal peace and hope that exists despite external factors.

K is for kisses. Of all types: sweet husband ones, sloppy toddler ones, drooly puppy ones, scratchy kitty ones, quick pecks from big kids.

L is for love of family and for light. The sun rising another day. Nature nourished. The light our children shine.

M Is for the miracles I get to witness and experience and the Memories I get to create every day.

N is for neighbors who are there when you need them! I love my neighborhood!

O is for my oncologist and all the OTHERS who supported me during cancer treatment last year.

P is for people who bring me joy.

Q is for the quiet that I feel on my morning walk.

R is for reading a good book and for Rest and Reflect. It’s a gift to rest and renew each day.

S is for sunny sunflowers and for sitting quietly on my front porch and watching the world go by.

T is for treats.

U is for Understanding. The secret wisdom commonly chased after and which opens the door for more curiosity and for unicorns (and rainbows) on my daughter’s cute PJs.

V is for violin music playing in my earbuds as I write and for Veritas, the goddess of truth. May she be kind.

W is for weather changes that remind me nothing is permanent.

X is for Xena Princess Warrior (she kicked serious tail!).

Y is for YOU, dear friend.

Z is for Zillow. Looking forward to new neighbors.

Thanks to the Sacred Celebrators for this vibrant list!

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What’s on your Gratitude List from A-Z? Comment below (even if you share just a few letters of the alphabet), I’d love to know!

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