Subtle Shifts Encourage Lifestyle Lifts

by Elizabeth

You’ve heard about the compounding effect, right?

It’s the notion that if you take small actions consistently over time you can reap big rewards.

This is true about saving money. Put away $100/week and you’ll have $5,200 at the end of a year. Invest it and you’ll have even more.

Or, going to bed 15 minutes earlier each day. You’ll accumulate 91 extra hours of sleep each year! That’s good for the body and brain!

During the last few years of the pandemic, we have struggled with our mental, emotional, and physical health. Everyone I’ve talked to–clients, colleagues, friends, and family–has been challenged with at least one aspect of not living their life to its fullest expression.

Now that it’s spring and the world is slowly reengaging, it’s time again to prioritize our health and refocus our commitments to living our best lives.

Try these subtle shifts for increased physical energy, mental clarity and overall happiness!

  1.  Trade caffeinated coffee for non-caffeinated herbal tea.
  2.  Read an engaging novel instead of watching yet another show on Netflix.
  3.  Stretch while on a phone call instead of sitting at your desk.
  4.  Keep your phone in the kitchen at night and not on your bedside table.
  5.  Replace family movie night with family game night.
  6.  Enjoy festive mocktails instead of boozy cocktails.
  7.  Upon waking, choose yoga over social media scrolling.
  8.  Leave for appointments 10 minutes earlier instead of habitually arriving 5 minutes late.
  9.  Substitute a colorful fruit salad for sugar and gluten-filled treats.
  10.  Send love out into the world through prayer or meditation instead of ingesting toxic negativity by watching the news.

The key to success here?


Have fun.


Strive for progress, not perfection.

Seek support from friends and like-minded groups!

And goodness gracious, don’t change everything at once.

  • Choose 1-2 subtle habits to modify and then track your results.
  • Make a note in your journal about how you are feeling when you begin this experiment.
  • Give yourself a window of time–a week, two weeks, a month, three months–and then check in at the end and notice the positive changes.

Let me know how it goes!


P.S. In case you want extra support, here are some Sacred Celebrations bracelets that support subtle changes:

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