Conference Secrets: 4 Tips to Avoid Overwhelm

by Elizabeth

I have had a blast this week at Christine Kane’s Up Level YOU conference in Atlanta. I used to go hear her sing at the Grey Eagle or on stage at the Bele Chere Festival (where I met my husband!) in Asheville, North Carolina over a decade ago when she was a singer and songwriter. This week I have been basking in her brilliance as a successful coach and leader for business women. I have learned a lot and am returning to Houston with great new insights, ideas and focus!

I love attending professional development conferences because I always learn so much. But they can be overwhelming to manage with the sheer volume of useful information, inspiring ideas and interesting people.

Here are a few self-care tips to help you have a successful conference or workshop

1. Prioritize.

Take time to create your strategy before the event. Review the schedule and determine what workshops you absolutely must attend. Give yourself permission to skip a session here or there and go outside for some fresh air or even take a nap in your hotel room. Remember that you will still get tremendous value even if you don’t attend every single break out session!

2. Balance.

It is so easy at a conference to get burned out. There are multiple networking opportunities and endless sessions with useful information. Make sure you balance your need for both extraversion and introversion.

If you over engage, you risk burning out and getting fatigued. But if you under engage, you risk missing out on potential opportunities, information and relationships.

3. Quiet.

Build in quiet time each day. That may seem difficult to do if the conference schedule is jam packed. However, peace and quiet is essential for your sanity, your restoration and for integration of all of the new things you learn at the event.

Take time to meditate in the morning, eat lunch by yourself, or go for a short walk alone during the afternoon break. Be intentional about claiming quiet time for yourself. You’ll be glad you did.

4. Supplies.

Pack a self care kit for your trip. Include healthy snacks, a water bottle, comfortable shoes, a sweater or a wrap for those cold conference rooms, a journal to capture your inspired ideas and exercise clothes.

You could also bring some inspirational items and set up a mini altar in your room. Include a candle, a crystal or a favorite stone, any religious symbols that are meaningful to you or maybe some essential oils to help your room smell good ( lavender is my personal favorite! )

Revitalized Action: What is your favorite strategy to avoid overwhelm at a professional development conference? Share in the comments below!

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