How to Make Impossible Decisions

by Elizabeth

I have a coaching client who is going through a really challenging time right now. The combination of work stress, family commitments, and major health challenges has her feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and uncertain about her next steps.

I hear her say things like:

  • I don’t know what to do.
  • I feel so stuck.
  • I can’t see my way forward.
  • It feels impossible right now.

Any of these statements sound familiar?

I’m guessing at some point in your life, you’ve said one, or more, of these as well.

Life is complex and filled with challenges and growth opportunities. There are times when we feel prepared, strong, and clear and can confidently forge the path ahead of us.

And there are other times when we feel like we want to curl up on the couch with a blanket, binge watch Netflix all day, and eat Ben & Jerry’s straight out of the carton.

Think about something you are facing right now. Perhaps there’s an area in life that you are struggling with or an important decision you need to make, and you’ve been feeling paralyzed.

Is it a big decision that will impact the future of your business?

What about an important choice that will not only affect you, but your family and people you love?

Are you at a crossroads with your health and not sure what kind of support you need?

Remember there’s an important distinction between saying “this is impossible” vs. “this feels impossible.” If you can, focus on the feeling—feelings change, move, and flow. It won’t always feel impossible, maybe just temporarily.
When you are feeling so completely stuck, go back to the basics.

  1. Remember to Breathe. Don’t underestimate the power of this simple life-giving tool. Here are four breathing techniques that may work for you. If you can get centered in the moment, you can gain clarity on the next right step.
  2. Seek support. Call your friends, read articles, research the issue you are facing and see how others have handled it. Don’t make impossible decisions in a vacuum. Seek guidance and wisdom from people you trust.
  3. Pursue peace (and quiet). Build in daily time for rest, contemplation, prayer, and meditation. If there’s too much external noise (busy-ness, media consumption, overscheduled activities, etc.), you can’t hear the wisdom of your higher self.
  4. Give gratitude. Energy flows where attention goes. When you feel completely overwhelmed and stuck, shift your energy to focus on things that are working well in your life. Simple gratitude exercises can do wonders.
  5. Break it down. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Such a pithy statement, but it’s filled with wisdom. Impossible decisions or tasks feel that way because we can’t see how we could possibly get to the end point. But putting one foot in front of the other and making one small decision at a time is the only way.

If you’re facing an impossible decision, stop staying stuck.

Decide that it’s time to take yourself out of paralysis and commit to action.

Click here to schedule a coaching session. Let’s get you moving in the right direction!

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