Imagine You are a Master at Self-Care

by Elizabeth

“In the relentless busyness of modern life, we have lost the rhythm between work and rest.” writes Wayne Muller in his best-selling book Sabbath. “Because we do not rest, we lose our way…Poisoned by this hypnotic belief that good things come only through unceasing determination and tireless effort, we can never truly rest. And for want of rest, our lives are in danger.”

Just as the seasons have cycles, so, too, should our days and our lives. Spring is for growth, summer for abundance, fall for letting go and winter is for introspection and rest. Imagine if Mother Nature decided to skip winter one year? It would be terrible and cause a serious imbalance in nature! And yet that’s what we do when we fail to rest—we create chaos and confusion in our own lives.

As I recover from major surgery a few weeks ago, I am really heeding the call to rest. I’ll be honest, it’s uncomfortable. On one hand, it’s nice to have an excuse to relax. I can’t drive. I can’t lift anything heavy. I can’t exert myself very much because I’m allowing my body time and space to heal. But I’m used to being on the go—juggling a growing business, an active family and all that comes with moving to a new city (during a pandemic no less!)

Yet, I know in my heart of hearts that it is critical to take time to rest and take care of yourself—body, mind and spirit! (And, not just when you’ve had surgery like me!)

The benefits of rest are enormous: better health, increased mental clarity, renewed perspective, abundant creativity, a happy body and spirit!

A great way to claim rest, relaxation and renewal in your life is to ask yourself what you really need. Pull out your journal and answer the following questions. They may give you insight on how you can practice better self-care…

Commit to Self Care With These Reflection Questions

1. If you asked your body, what would it tell you about how you practice self-care? Record both positive and negative messages.

2. What is one thing you are really good at regarding your self-care?

3. In what ways do you think your self-care practices, or lack of, impact those you love?

4. I know that I am not taking care of myself when…

5. Imagine you are a master of self-care … how do you feel and what does your life look life? What is different from how you currently live your life?

If you need extra support on this topic, I’d encourage you to read other blog posts on my website and download Smart Self-Care for Busy Women.

As always, if I can be a support to you, schedule a coaching session here. I’ll be seeing clients again in March. (After I’ve properly rested!)

To your Smart Self-Care,

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