5 Minute Smart Self-Care Strategies

by Elizabeth

Whether you’re in your Quarantine PJ’s or managed to put on actual pants today, here is something you’re going to love because it’s a reminder we all need right now.

5 Minute Smart Self-Care Strategies

What can you do in literally 5 minutes to feel better and increase your energy?

  1. Have a dance party. My personal fave is ABBA’s Dancing Queen.
  2. Do yoga stretches. Happy Baby always makes me giggle and feel good
  3. Hug a tree. I love hugging my grandfather tree in our backyard.
  4. Clean something. Wipe off your kitchen counters or tidy up your coffee table.
  5. Have a belly laugh. Search “cat and cucumber” videos on YouTube or look up Bad Dad Jokes. They’ll have you groaning and giggling in no time.
  6. Use your foam roller. Especially helpful for tight back and leg muscles.
  7. Step outside on the grass in your bare feet. Just don’t step in an ant pile!
  8. Color or draw. It’s OK to color outside the lines too!
  9. Write down 5 things you are grateful for. Keep a journal and capture them daily or try a whiteboard in your office and write new ones every day.
  10. Breathe. Slow down your breathing, put one hand on your heart, the other on your belly, and take ten deep belly breaths.

See? It’s simple. Self-care does not need to be complicated to be effective.

My book, Smart Self-Care for Busy Women: 20 Lessons to Help You Create the “Me Time” You Keep Putting Off will be released on Kindle next week. The timing couldn’t be more perfect.

You know we ALL need this right now.

You may have been putting self-care on the back-burner as a priority because you are juggling a lot of “new” in your life (like working from home, kids home, a spouse at home…plenty of things to distract you from getting the “Me-Time” you deserve).

But it’s time to put Smart Self-Care on the front burner again.

Smart Self-Care for Busy Women is a short girlfriend’s guide for self-care written in twenty easy to read lessons. It’s time to stop neglecting yourself! You deserve to be happy, healthy and whole and when you invest a little bit of “me time” in balancing your mind, body and spirit, everyone wins!

Look for a big announcement next week and remember: your self-care is essential!


P.S. Whether you pre-order my new book, listen to my recent podcast interview, or join my inspiring and positive Facebook group, I hope you are doing something to support your Smart Self-Care today!

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