Entrepreneurship and Parenting

by Elizabeth

Our daughter, Riley, just turned 7 months old. Her arrival was such a surprise (she’s adopted!) that we didn’t have time to plan. We got a call on a Saturday morning, checked in to the hospital with her on Sunday night and by Monday, she was home with us!

I continued meeting with clients for the first few months of her life (often with her in tow!) and finally took some maternity leave time this summer to focus solely on her, our home and our family.

This summer, I’ve had time to reflect on the last few months and  I have realized that there are many priniciples I teach and live by as an entrepeneur that have helped Eric and I to be relatively successful (at least I think so!) as parents so far.

1. Build your tribe.

2. Ask for help.

3. Put systems in place.

4. Trust your intuition.

5. Stay focused on your vision.

6. Practice Self Care.

7. Learn to say ‘no’.

Such simple ideas, yet powerful in practice. In the coming weeks, I’ll take time to expand upon each idea so you can see how you can apply in it your own life. For now, I must go get my daughter. She is crying for her morning meal!

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